All photos above are directly from there.
I hope to be offering a few meatier posts in the next few days but until then, enjoy the most inspiring quilts I've seen in awhile.
p.s. First attempt at a leather shoe design failed. However, I've learned a few things that make attempt #2 look promising!
im making a quilt this fall too :)
it will be my first one so fingers crossed! :) x
I've been itching to quilt too! It's been too long since I made one. These are beautiful!
cool weather totally equals quilting (and knitting!) inspiration. Fall seems like a new start to me too...I love little inspiration posts...
That first photo is just amazing! I love the colors, it's so inspiring - thanks!!!
these are amazing!!!
the beautiful weather was almost enough to inspire me to hand stitch my binding last night... didn't happen!
ugh. Me too!
this woman is amazingly talented!! thanks for sharing, now i can't stop looking at her flickr stream : )
fall makes me want to start new projects too! i just received some new fabric in the mail and finished a baby quilt for my lil babe that's due this february.
ps i love your blog and don't comment enough! thanks for always inspiring and being so creative.
Wanted to share this link for a not so fall quilt-love it and hope you will too!
These are sooo inspiring. I love the colours she uses. I bought all the quilt making equipment, but have become totally engrossed in my knitting. Need to learn to multi-task those crafts!!x
me too, about the fall thing. That first patchwork piece is amazingly intricate. I bet it took her forever to make!
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