I had Brett take this photo on his way out to class and Ruby made her way over in between takes. She loves to be walked around the house these days. She's like a stomping little duck!

She's also a biter.

Ruby! We're twinsies! Ruby of Cakies recently posted about how hard it can be to pose naturally for self-portraits and I couldn't agree more. I usually take between 10-50 before I can settle on a few that I like enough to share online because Photoshop can take care of those dark circles under my eyes but I've yet to learn to erase the ten pounds that slouching can add. I have to remember to pull those shoulders back, tuck that tummy in, smile with my eyes, chin up slightly, etc., etc...it takes awhile. I'm no Tyra Banks.
However, documenting 'dress days' is important to me. Being a work-at-home mom can sometimes leave me feeling like it doesn't matter what I wear since the kids aren't quite old enough to call me out for wearing my yoga pants all day. I do try to make the effort on a regular basis, though, in order to avoid cascading down that slippery slope of 'work out clothes' that suddenly make up 100% of your laundry pile. Plus now there is preschool drop-off and we're new.
Elsie has been around with a great dose of courage in this venture into vintage dresses. She owns a vintage dress shop with lovely dresses in all sizes and she recently gifted me a darling tulip print dress from her collection for my birthday that I can't wait to wear next time we hang out!
What I want to know is if you've ever gone out in public hoping you won't see anyone you know because it's been days since you've showered or done laundry only to run into the ex-boyfriend/girlfriend...I know you've got stories!
p.s. I'd love to see your vintage wardrobe if you have links!
However, documenting 'dress days' is important to me. Being a work-at-home mom can sometimes leave me feeling like it doesn't matter what I wear since the kids aren't quite old enough to call me out for wearing my yoga pants all day. I do try to make the effort on a regular basis, though, in order to avoid cascading down that slippery slope of 'work out clothes' that suddenly make up 100% of your laundry pile. Plus now there is preschool drop-off and we're new.
Elsie has been around with a great dose of courage in this venture into vintage dresses. She owns a vintage dress shop with lovely dresses in all sizes and she recently gifted me a darling tulip print dress from her collection for my birthday that I can't wait to wear next time we hang out!
What I want to know is if you've ever gone out in public hoping you won't see anyone you know because it's been days since you've showered or done laundry only to run into the ex-boyfriend/girlfriend...I know you've got stories!
p.s. I'd love to see your vintage wardrobe if you have links!
This happens to me often, I'm currently in the swing of trying to lose the weight I gained in college, so everything right now fits me funny. It's either all baggy or too tight! I try not to go out in public dressed like a crazy, but sometimes it is unavoidable. I just keep repeating in my head that I am making steps to look better, and everyone has their "bad hair days" just like I do!
You do look great in all of your photos Rachel!
never! i don't own sweat pants! i never want to look like i don't care! even though it would be nice! a girlfriend and i just went thrifting for new clothes yesterday and we talked about never being those moms that look like they don't care (i am sure they do, it's just easier sometimes!)
you look adorable, put together but effortless!
I love vintage dresses, but I just don't look good in them lol. Ruby is adorable by the way! :)
Little Sugar Monster♥
You know you have a problem with wearing too many leggings/lounge pants when your mother says "you're wearing those again?" I laughed at your comment about the laundry pile being only exercise clothes because lately I've noticed that's all mine is! I need to build up my wardrobe, and fast!!
Love love the dress!
you have to be one of the sweetest bloggers Rachel love your blog and love Cakies too, she's one talented girl! i wonder if you have ever stumbled upon mishalulu.com, it's my friend Karen's kids line and Cakies does her accessories for her photo shoots. i think you would love it, it's vintage inspired all done by Karen herself down to the illustration's! super cute clothing for your cuties!
I love that dress! Yes, I have gone out really needing to have my hair washed and looking generally grubby and unkempt. I'm usually pretty particular about feeling good about how i look though, so the next day I will make sure I don't look so hideous and gross.
actually....yes. that time I ran into you at Thrift Haven I was definitely hoping no one would see me (though that is how I live most days, that's just me!), and I probably hadn't showered. I was slightly devastated, since you always look so beautiful...but only as devastated as someone who always looks kind of slouchy can be.
i agree about the yoga pants vs dressin it up thing, and my munchkin is only 2 so definitely doesn't call me on it. sometimes it just feels nice though to hange it up and feel good. :)
I am trying to take photos of myself and Elsie has inspired me to do that.
I am so shy (even around my own family) and it's really hard to be in front of the camera but I really wanted to give it a go.
I have a few entries on my blog of my outfits and am slowly building up my vintage wardrobe. I am really liking what I have found so far and it has woken me up and given me a much needed confidence boost. Just taking a few extra minutes in the day to feel good does wonders for being a better mum to my family.
ps - I love your style and your dress is lovely!
Wow you look stunning! Even without children to look after I rarely look this nicely put together, I'm trying to make more effort lately though, as I feel I've had one too many of those "avoid everybody laundry days" haha! I think I just need to allow more time to get ready in the mornings instead of running out of the door in a fluster.
You and Ruby are both beautiful!
x Beth
My story: I worked as an opener (4:00 am) at Starbucks in Springfield for 4 years before I moved. I got in the habit of never putting makeup on or doing my hair because it was so early! One morning "that perfect girl" that I had known from high school walked in. She was 9 months pregnant but only looked 3 (envy) and was, as always, put together and beautiful. I tried my hardest to hide behind the espresso machine so as to not see her. But, she saw me, made polite chit chat, and I about died! So, yes, in answer to your question, almost everyday at work I hoped to not run into people I knew, because there is only so much to be done with that Starbucks green apron and ponytail.
You always look lovely and natural. My go-to item isn't yoga pants but the Old Navy roll-over jersey skirt! It looks like a tried a little but is oh-so comfy ;)
I love vintage and can finally fit into a few dresses after losing some weight.
YES! Happens every single time.
Thanks for sharing because I could have sworn that only happens to me.
but I must say I do LOVE getting dolled up
especially for a new little dress.
Speaking of which I need to go see whats new at Red Velvet!
Beautiful photos! What a great clipboard wall and such a stunning baby girl you have x
oh you're such a doll!
ha! I'm pretty sure I thought the same thing in my 'mom' outfit that day. A girl can lose street cred in front of her indie friends in that kind of thing! ;) You're a doll!
aw love the cute photos of you and ruby. adorable! and i just love your hair- it's so perfect!
I love how you and Ruby coordinate, very cute.
I try not to be to grungy, but having had a sinus infection the last couple weeks I have let things slide.
I didn't think I looked that bad, but yesterday while picking my son up from school one of his teachers wasn't sure I was really the same person.
She even said she didn't recognize me not wearing gym clothes. So obviously I need to make the effort to get dressed!
you look amazing in that dress! Can't wait to see the tulip one. Sounds lovely!
I have a goal in the coming year to buy and wear a vintage dress. I wear dresses all the time but I've always been too hesitant to buy something vintage. We just moved to a new town but for some odd reason I have this feeling I'm constantly going to run into someone I know. If I have to run to the store for milk 20 min. after waking up, I always try to decide how weird it would be to not take my sunglasses off in the store. :)
oh girl. i am definitely not a morning person, so sometimes i just roll out of bed and walk the mile to work in my pajamas/workout clothes (i do change when i get to work, haha!). one day my jerkhole ex-boyfriend caught me in my gym shorts and penny loafers(ah!). so, uh, i don't do that anymore.
you are rub are adorable! i love that dress - polyester is my favorite because it doesn't need instant hemming :)
it seems like you always look adorable! i promise to never judge if i run into you. :)
i with you there on the natural-looking self portraits. eek! shoulders waaay back works for me, i learned. :) it's the little things, right!? your photos are always so pretty, though.
i love vintage. here my link to my wardrobe remix photos. http://www.flickr.com/photos/rootandflower/sets/72157624844742094/ i just started, but there's a couple vintage/thrifted dresses in there.
ahaha, one time, here at school I went on a 'midnight ice cream run' with my roommates-we were all in pj's and looked pretty ridiculous, and I guess I was just asking for trouble. I was walking through the store when I heard my name. I turned around and there was one of my professors! I was horrified.
that always happens to me! i'll go out to check the mail in the mail center on my husbands campus and won't have showered yet. My hair is a grease ball, i'm wearing yesterday's clothes, and I just want to get my mail and come home. Then, I run into a friend of his or someone I know and feel gross....
Um, yes, but not ex-bf (because I married the only one I've ever had ;) BUT literally 6 different people from church that only knew me well enough to recognize that I was a MESS that morning...in Costco...with screaming girls...one of whom dressed herself (uhem) and the other MAY have still been in pjs at 2 in the afternoon. You are in good company...but thanks also for the encouraging reminder to keep trying! :)
Great post! I am addicted to vintage dresses and I always get the best compliments when I am brave enough to wear one out...people always say 'I love your look'....it feels so great.
Here is a post with my most favorite vintage dress:
I wore this to the back to school meetings with the entire staff in the school district, I felt so glamorous!
I love this dress!! It is fabulous, I love love the look. :)
I hear ya! My camera is full of self-portrait outtakes : ) I'm a vintage dress-lover too! Here is my latest from my grandma's collection http://ariansstudio.blogspot.com/2010/09/vintage-striped-dress.html
It seems that I ONLY run into people I don't want to see when I look disgusting - exes, old friends, coworkers. It's terrible! And when I look awesome? I never see anyone, of course!
Love this dress - and the kid sure is cute, too! :)
rachel, you look fantastic. better than ever! and honestly, your hair is amazing. so pretty and curly. i adore it!! i love that little face ruby is making in that one photo :) too cute!
and i TOTALLY get what you mean about throwing on whatever and then running into someone, isn't that allllways the case? without a doubt. it's hard when you live right downtown on a main street as well, like myself...even if i'm going for a run (no makeup, workout clothes, etc) i ALWAYS run into someone.
Yes! Just the other day actually. I had been cleaning all day when my fiance called asking if we wanted food. We decided just to pop across the street to Moe's to grab some tacos. Since it was going to be in and out I figured no one I knew would see me, and those who did would get over that I was wearing my fiance's track pants and an old, dirty shirt and sporting hair that hadn't been washed in two days.
Well, instead... my whole 8th grade class I teach was at Moe's having a birthday party. With their parents there too. Which makes up about 90 percent of the people I see on a regular basis.
Love that dress~ You and Ruby look adorable! I'm trying to be braver with vintage styles and just ordered one from Bleubird vintage! So excited to get it tomorrow!!
I know what you mean about running into people when you're not looking your best -- the last time I ran into an exboyfriend, I was wearing yoga pants and a college tee, my hair was a hot mess and I had a cold so I didn't bother putting on makeup or anything...not cute at all!
I am in love with vintage dresses to the point where I own too many to fit in my closet! I recently put up a bunch for sale on etsy just to make some room! Its an addiction, I'm afraid...
i've never met a ex when i haven't showered, but i have farted when i thought no one was around and then an ex whistled behind me...
i like to wear vintage dresses! here's my favourite: http://underourbumbershoot.blogspot.com/2010/07/wanna-pack-your-bags-something-small.html but they're small pics. good luck! you look fantastic, btw. like a natural :)
dude! you ALWAYS look good in your self-portrait pictures!!! you are an inspiration for me!!! i vow to get over this self-consioussness thing! k... do one a week and i will too! i will try, but seriously girlfriend... i think you look fabulous in your self-portraits!
but i totally know how it is to be a work at home mama and how we dress at home, and if we dress up that just makes us feel slightly better, right?
ruby is such a big girl now! i can't believe her first birthday is coming up so soon!
dress--so cute.
baby--even cuter! I've been away for awhile and she has gotten so big. adorable.
you look SO SO cute. :) i post outfit pictures of myself on my blog and much of what i wear is vintage, but i work from home so i have to try and get out of the "yoga pants rut", too. :)
ah! sorry my photo disappeared on you! it did to me too! my flickr account has been deleting photos on accident (if i delete it from my iphoto trash)! i put a new one up just in case.
I have quite a large stack of "needs a new hem" vintage dresses too!
I love this dress on you! Very cute and flattering...a tricky thing with stripes! And dare I say, Ruby is just about the cutest thing!
I feel ya on the dressing up thing. I used to live in serious podunk-city and it felt pointless some days to get dressed when my little ones were littler! Its amazing how much of a difference a shower and something other than sweats will make you feel. Now that I'm working full time though and the kids are in school, I'd give my arm to have a day of sweatpants and snuggles. Even if I did have to leave the house looking like a nutso.
ps - I have a few vintage outfits that sneak up on my blog...
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