"Accessorize this fall with Gussy Sews ruffles! Inside
the shop you'll find headbands, clutches and tote bags in warm, bold colors that you can easily use to accessorize your outfit. And check back soon for FUN holiday items. This season, share Gussy ruffles with a friend.

This giveaway is for $30 shop credit so leave a comment about your end of the month plans (Halloween, Harvest Fest, or movie night at home, etc.) and the winner will be announced on Tuesday.
1 – 200 of 328 Newer› Newest»Trick-or-treating with scooby doo!
I have no exciting Halloween plans (living in the UK at the moment, and it's not big here) but my plans for the last day of the month are to get a well needed sleep-in, followed by a yummy coffee with a good book! Bliss.
Pirate murder mystery dinner with old friends :)
Editing pictures, doing homework, relaxing... nothing really do with Halloween! ha
no plans for me tonight!
Right now I am curled up in my favorite chair watching Sex and the City 2. Tomorrow I will be taking my 3 little gnomes to Fall Fest at out church.
Visiting a friend in the hospital and meeting her new baby girl Quinn!
My end of the month plans include passing out candy, and watching movies with my boyfriend and friends. I'm hoping some hot apple cider and candy corn will be involved!
We plan on watching "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" tonight and then trick or treating tomorrow evening at our friends house with the little ones. I am also hoping for a morning hike to take in the fall weather and get some nature photography shooting out of my system.
Happy Halloween everyone!!!
Tonight, movie night and pancakes with the family. Tomorrow, trick or treating with Bob the Builder.
Taking my little cowboy to the neewollah parade this afternoon! Gussy ruffles look so cute!
We're headed to a small halloween party.
Trick or treating with my 2 year old! This is the first year she really knows what's going on so I'm excited :)
I'm looking forward to my first halloweeen where I'll have trick or treaters at my house!
Finally getting to go to a pumpkin patch with my husband and kids! Can't wait! :)
I'm going to a halloween party today and sadly I have an exam I need to study for tomorrow.
watching movies and my Texas Rangers play some baseball... gonna be a relaxing weekend! :)
our end of the month plan already happened last night. we had our annual halloween party. it was a success!
we are doing a movie night at home, just my hubby and I :-)
We are going to a local Halloween children's festival, then taking my son trick-or-treating for the first time ever! :o)
In Australia we have the Melbourne Cup on Tuesday which is a horse race and it has its own public holiday. Hopefully the weather is nice and we can go to the beach (seaside)
trunk or treating with my little munchkins
Bringing the kids trick or treating, then planning some more for x-mas!
This month I will do report cards have parent teacher conferences and then relax!!!
Pass out candy to the 3-4 trick or treaters we usually get around here.
yay i love gussy! i plan on partying and scrapbooking, my favorite kind of weekend :)
This is my girls third Halloween but the first time they get to go trick or treating. We have also started a family movie afternoon with lots of popcorn. It's something we all look forward to all week.
three-part holiday this year: preschool fall festival last night, trunk or treat at my parents' church tonight, trick or treating and Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog tomorrow night.
We're still trying to figure it out! But wherever we go I'll be dressed as a bearded lady :)
Plans for this weekend, Pumpkin pancakes and snuggling up for a movie with the fam.
so far all we have planned is going trick-or-treating at Grammy's, Great-Grandma's, and an old neighbor's house...our kids are only 3 & 1 so we keep it simple until they *know* what Halloween means! :)
Sarah M
decorating cookies & eating pumpkin pie ice cream at home! :P mm..
Costume party tonight & handing out candy tomorrow ;)
Aww, I love Gussy! This weekend we are going to a costume party with friends, and also trying a new recipe for Zoupa Toscanna... yum! Happy Halloween :)
LOVE Gussy and her ruffles. We're going to dinner with my parents and grandparents. The husband and I will later dress up like Star Wars characters and go to a party at a friend's house!
I'm going to have a scary movie night with some friends! And give candy to cute little children.
Visiting my boyfriend in New Hampshire, where we're going out for Halloween in a few short hours, followed by brunch tomorrow. Just relaxing!
Well, unfortunately we will be bringing Dad to the airport after trick-or-treating, because he will be travelling to Germany to visit our families.
We are doing trick or treating for the first time with our 3 year old!
My boyfriend and I will be taking my baby sisters trick or treating (they're going as 'anne of green gables' and a witch respectively) then heading back to our place with pizza and having a halloween movie marathon!
love love! husband & i will stay home & pass out candy to the little ones :)
trick or treating with my sister ^_^
Passing out candy with my hubby and hopefully NOT having our baby on Halloween (I want her to have her own day)
Dressing up for a Halloween dinner with my brother and dad at a mexican restaurant :)
Staying home with my love watching the World Series!
We hop over to our local elementary school for a Trunk-or-Treat & chili dinner. Our church does it every year & the whole community ends up passing through - it's lots of fun!
We're having people over for dinner tonight...for oven fried chicken....I hope it turns out, otherwise: Pizza night!
i had a halloween party last weekend, so this weekend the boy and i went for a walk in the park to look at the leaves, and will spend the rest of our time curled up watching creepy movies
a lovely drive through the country to gaze at the changing leaves and blue sky.
we always make tequila shrimp nachos (I honestly have no idea how that tradition got started!) and watch Sleepy Hallow! Spoooooky!
We're passing out candy to trick or treaters and watching scary movies on Halloween! :-)
Watching Clue and giving out candy to some trick or treaters.
spending the day having a skype date with my dearest friends!
We will be taking our son out trick-or-treating for his 1st halloween!
a Halloween movie night followed by the premiere of Walking Dead! :)
I wish I had more interesting plans, but being a college student I will be doing tests and writing papers. I still love this time of year and have been able to sneak in some sunrise walks with my mom.
Unfortunately, I'll be studying for a major test all weekend long. :( Reading blogs is the only fun thing I'll be doing.
Halloween parties galore with the hubs...Willy Wonka and an Umpa Lumpa!
Trick or treating with my little Superman! Also have a 15 page paper due on Thursday.. yuck!
working at my youth group, helping out with all the halloween stuff that's going on there!
My oldest son's birthday is on Halloween so we have a day of fun planned, including a trip to the zoo, Trunk & Treat and froyo!
I'm planning to spend the last days of the month at home looking for inspiration and working on my Harmony project. As a hula-hooper I'll probably spend some time perfecting or learning a new move, and I'm gonna spend the night with a friend watching a movie ;)
Finishing making my costume for a fun costume party downtown!
looove Gussy! We're going to a harvest festival of some sort in town. Should be cool!
Sunday family dinner while watching some fall time football and enjoying good company!
sitting in my warm house, cup of tea and smiling at my 6 month old while Papa plays a halloween show at Moody's. Michael Jackson vs. Stevie Wonder... Jazz Style. I will be there in spirit.
I will be passing out candy with my new baby!
Taking the kids out to a carnival
i'm throwing a halloween bash for my friends and we're building a fire in the backyard!
We plan to eat dinner in the driveway (new tradition!) and let the girls trick-or-treat and also hand out candy to the neighborhood.
scary movie night with my mister with some beer and fish
looking forward to a night with friends...
Oh she makes the cutest stuff...
Plans for halloween...take it easy, go for a swim with family and then call it a night with a movie..
We're heading off to my parents' to celebrate my little girl's third Halloween. She'll be a butterfly!
i'm throwing a goodbye party for a friend. a little sad, but nice to spend the evening with friends.
I'm going to sing in our band...sing, sing, sing....
halloween plans this year include work work work and then going home and putting on a classic w my hubby.
boring, i know. but oh so lovely, too.
drinking pumpkin coffee on the first cold day in south carolina since february! woohoo!
dressing up with girlfriends!
Taking my little pirate trick or treating! :)
xo, Jamie
Going out dancing with my cousin tomorrow night!
Our church had a block party this afternoon~ we dressed up and went on a hay ride!
I have wanted a Gussy bag for so long...they are so pretty! We are waiting for space chimps 2 to come out so till then we are watching movies on netflix. :)
i've baked a bunch of halloween goodies and my boys and i will be trick or treatin' the night away! ;)
Quiet night in tonight and handing out candy to the neighborhood kids tomorrow! Oh and pumpkin carving contest tomorrow, too! fun!
we're going up to my brother and sister-in-law's place and bringing the Mississippi Mud Pie (b) from Baked Explorations (it looks SO good!).
Our oldest is 19 months, so this is probably the last Halloween without trick-or-treat-ing
Crafting the weekend away!
taking the loveliest little girls i know out for trick or treating! :)
It may sound boring to some, but not to me, a lazy Sunday with football, mostly napping, and a day at home with my family.
Enjoying a girl's night with my best friend! Pizza and Hocus Pocus. :)
Cleaning and trick or treating! DH will be working on drywall. Fun fun!
Trick or Treating with the kidos!
i've never done the hand-out-candy thing, so that's what my hubby and i are doing in our neighborhood tomorrow night!
My son is eager to trick or treat in his Squidward (from Sponge Bob ) costume and he wants his baby sister to come with him even though she's too young to eat any of the candy. She dressed as Plankton, because she's small, diabolical and wears no pants hehehe
We just got home from "trunk or treat" at our church and tomorrow we will trick or treat with Batman and a Ladybug. And eat lots more candy!
My sister and I are going to watch 'Did You Hear About The Morgans?' together tonight. :)
Halloween, Alice in Wonderland style! We have Alice, the white rabbit, the Cheshire cat and myself as the mad hatter! I spent last week sewing all the costumes into the wee hours of the night. ;)
Pumpkin patch & petting zoo today. Trick or treating tomorrow night with my boys.
going to the church harvest fest
I'm headed to the Greenwich Village Childrens Parade tomorrow with my little guy!
Off to see the grandparents tomorrow night with the little one then trying to finalize my Fall decorating!!
My end-of-October plans involve lots of baking and cleaning - making my house cozy to the max for the cold months ahead! And, of course, lots of movie-watching. :)
I plan on being lazy after my kids go to sleep making bows and watch old school 90210 reruns! Happy fall!
We're going to a Halloween party, and then going out to look at all the Halloween costumes that other people come up with! And then a harvest festival on Sunday!
we are just layin' low!
We are traveling to Omaha so the hubs can take his test to be a US Citizen!!! :-) Soooo excited!!! :-)
giving candy to trick or treaters and church!
My end of the month plans are handing out candy to the trick or treaters while working on my art for my upcoming Art Show in november!!! :D
making paula deen's
t.v. dinner cupcakes!
making paula deen's
t.v. dinner cupcakes!
Tomorrow my husband and I are dressing up like a baked potato and butter (I'm butter! wearing a yellow skirt and a yellow shirt etc) at a trunk or treat.
just got home from a party :)
i own a Gussy...been wanting another piece!
well, since my two oldest came down with a nasty bug today, we will be quarantined in the house instead of trick or treating. :(
Handing out candy to the trick-o-treaters. :)
Hanging out with my boyfriend's family, celebrating his sister's birthday! Also, mourning the loss of the Mizzou Tigers. :(
Tonight I'm going galactic bowling with my friends. I am dressing up as Hermione from Harry Potter. Last night I went to my Jazercise Halloween party dressed as Lady Gaga and then watched Ghostbusters with my roomate!
i just am eager to take a bunch of pictures in the leaves. i have a few photoshoots planned. :)
Watching movies, catching up on blogs and Glee/Outsourced, and handing out candy.
I'm boring, I know.
trick or treated last night with my jedi knight...soccer game today and long run and indoor swim tomorrow :)
Trunk-or-treating party, scary movies- black and white style, candy, and traditional Halloween dinner!
no plans, but i'm watching Labyrinth right now!
we love going to the pumpkin patch! my kiddos love to go and find the perfect pumpkin. this year they picked a green one with wort's...gotta love it!
Trick or Treating with the girls then a movie.
Tomorrow: Church, Dinner with friends, Halloweenish movie, handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. Perfect day.
chelsealexander at hotmail dot com
Sadly I'll be working, but the house I work at gives out candy so I'm excited to see all the kiddies!
Taking my daughter trick or treating, and then cuddling up as a family to a mildly scary movie.
I'm in Savannah for the weekend visiting a friend! We went out tonight to a chocolate bar for dessert and drinks. I dressed up as Little Edie!
Watching scary movies at home
the little one and i are going to share some candy, bake a pumpkin pie (from scratch!) and cuddle up under the blankets :)
We're going to watch lots of old horror movies!
Family night...possibly bowling.
big ole Halloween party!!! Christie Tudor
we are taking our son to our church fun night. He's old enough this year to actually participate..and him and I have a team outfit:)
Have church service in costume in morning, then costume party at school with kids & trick-or-treating after that. At some point I will have to give my son his lima bean rune set too!
Preparing for cold weather: I'll be doing a fall (not to be confused with spring :)) cleaning, switching out tank tops for the sweaters, and pulling out the hats, gloves, and boots.
Our trick-or-treating was last night so Halloween day will be spent watching Halloween (the original) and eating pumpkin spice cupcakes with cream cheese frosting that I'll be making. Yum!
Unfortunately I'll be working! And on the first Halloween as a homeowner! :( My fiance says hes going to take photos of all of our trick-or-treaters so I can enjoy it later. :D
My lovely and I will be taking our little pirate and bumble bee trick or treating and then it's game night with family and friends! Can beat nights around a campfire with people we love!
my LO's first trick or treating! we're layering with fun fabric and color and going around to see our friends :)
pulchrabliss at hotmail dot com
We enjoy attending a community carnival. Always good times.
Unfortunately, I'm working all weekend, but I did manage to bake some pumpkin cupcakes!
I'm so all over this!
We had Trunk or Treat at our church tonight and church tomorrow...pretty low key.
Love her shop! My Halloween plans are pretty low-key! Harry Potter marathon and roasting pumpkin seeds! :)
Picking out some NEW recipes for pies for this thanksgiving. My family always has the same ones every year. Which is great.. but its time for a change. A delicious change. :)
we are going to my Dad's to take my son trick or treating...my Dad LOVES halloween so it should be a blast!
We had a family fall party with yummy fall foods and gave out candy! So fun!
Handing out candy and seeing all the wonderful costumes.
Taking my little black cat (dauhter), who is 16 months old trick or treating for the first time! So excited!
For the end of the month, my two best friends / dorm roomies will dress up, make Halloween-themed snacks, and watch scary movies. If there's anything on campus during the day, we'll probably go.
no plans really. Went to a 80s murder mystery party last night. It was pretty fun!
Went to a Halloween party tonight!
We're heading to the best Pumpkin Patch Hayride ever and then to a Haunted Bus Ride where semi's chase you and run into the bus! So much fun!
Finishing up craft orders, eating candy with my kiddos and celebrating my birthday.
Staying home and relaxing!
taking Annikin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kanobi to our picturesque downtown neighborhood...discovered last year that it's story-book halloween down there! All the homeowners dress up in great, classic costumes. Candy and treats for the kiddos and drinks for all- cocoa and cider for the wee ones- beer for their folks (that'll be after the swim meet and library)
football football football
pure awesomeness!
end of month plans for me include crafting on the couch and giving out candy to the wee ones!
going trick or treating with my girls. Can't wait to get my hands on some delicious candy!
haunted house and the haunted corn maze with my best friends. can not wait!!!
olivia r.
No Halloween in Melbourne - not at this house anyway. Just reading the blogs is enough excitement and variety entertainment for me!
Thank you for the giveaway.
My son entered his Billycart in a local Billycart derby... and I was brave enough to have a go down the HUGE hill!!! yay me! lol
doing homework, study hard, coz next thursday i've some biochemistry exam
Trick or treating with my 11 month old pumpkin!
Move into our new house and decoring it... exciting times.
Such cute Gussy things. Girls night with friends were the big plans for the weekend. Italian themed potluck, games, and a movie. It was great! Now just grading high school history exams. :)
Launcing my (dutch) website on fantasy books! (and it's kinda scary!)
Strolling around some Paris flea markets, visit a photo exhibition and having a sunday night dinner with friends... goodbye october 2010!
I don't have any plans, really. I'm working on being more goal-oriented though. I need to sit down and list things I need to get done, and work on developing more of a schedule for the months ahead.
We had a Harvest Festival...caramel apples, bowling with gourds, playing in the leaves and carving up 'Pumpkin Pete' who was shining his light for Jesus :) There were 8 kids under the age of 6, super crazy but super wonderful! Thanks for the great giveaways and all the beautiful fall inspiration lately. xo
Well my end of the month plans included going to Jordan and seeing the famous Petra! As seen in Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade! It was a dream come true!
We're taking our 8 month old Trick-or-Treeting to a few family and friends' homes. She's a bumblebee. I might throw something together, too.
Spending Halloween with our four month old billy goat:)
We will be going to a Halloween party at a friends house. It is at our son's baseball coach's house. So normally even the 14 year old boys will actually go trick or treating while we all visit. It will be fun.
Plans, oh Plans... Halloween Party, scary movies, eating, laughing and childish games... So much fun! :D
I'm going out Trick-or-Treating with my little cousin, and then staying up late watching scary movies. :)
trick-or-treating w/ a pink butterfly! :)
a night at home watching a scary movie....
We will be cleaning the house, then barbecuing, then passing out toys and candy.
We are taking our wee garden gnome trick or treating.
i'm in China for Halloween where the holiday is generally not celebrated :( I'll be spending the night looking at fall-themed recipe's trying to figure out what i can create here with limited resources!
Trick-or-treating with the mouse princess and then home for a crackling fire and homemade hot cocoa on the cozy couch.
We are planning on giving out candy tonight!
I be spending my time on the ipod touch. I really hope to win this prize. Thanks for this great giveaway:)
Harvest party at church :)
Trick or treating with a grumpy monkey, asian princess, obi one and a grown up Charlie Brown!
Tonight, I'll be laying on my couch, watching a horror movie with my husband.
the gravediggers ball..this year I'll be struttin with sonny...as cher of course..and singin "I got you babe"
Writing an essay while handing out candy to the kiddos!
We've carved pumpkins and roasted the seeds, and are hoping for a few trick-or-treaters to stop by!
We carved Pumpkins saturday and we hope to gie out candy at our new house on Sunday! I love Halloween....just wish I could be with my mom though - it's her birthday!
trick or treating with the kids followed by pumpkin soup, homemade bread, red wine with good friends...crisp air, starry sky, an end to the morning glories out back and a beginning of the season to draw within...
Trick-or-treating with the kids, then Halloween party fun for Mom and Dad while the kids stay with Grandma!
Football and chili with new friends! It's finally cooling down in Arkansas :)
I will be sending my Mermaid, Iron Man and Care Bear out to trick our treat with my sweet husband while I stay home with pneumonia.
I'm spending my last day of October serving burritos & nachos to drunk college students in costumes. I've done the same thing the last two nights, and to be honest, I kind of enjoy the madness halloween creates on campus.
13th annual La Leche League cake walk fundraiser, lots of work, loads of fun, and a great cause too!
We plan to take our 2-year old giraffe around the neighborhood...after we all enjoy a Sunday afternoon nap!
I'm definitely dressing up for Halloween and hitting the town. <3
My ideal Hallow's eve plans would consist of dressing up in a cute costume and hanging out with friends, buuut, I get to study for my midterms today! Booo
My plans for tonight are to do NOTHING! I'm so tired!!!! :)
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