I have the loveliest sponsors for the month of November, many of which have kindly offered a giveaway to one lucky Smile and Wave reader! I've grouped the prizes together so that the winner doesn't get just one exciting treat but four! Take a look at what my sponsors are offering in Giveaway Package #2.
"My name is April and I'm the girl behind the lens of LaughingDogPhoto. Photography is my greatest passion, besides my husband and fur children. I love being reminded of my youth and I try to bring this out in my photography. I love old buildings, pretty flowers, and the beach, but I have a special place in my heart for old signs, specifically motel signs. The prints available in my shop reflect my love of the beautiful world around us all. Art can be such a personal thing and it really touches my heart to be a part of someones decor." -April
Giveaway: Free 8 x 10 of the winner's choice. Valued at $20.*******************************************
"Start celebrating your story with a Gadanke journal. Katie's handmade shop is full of Christmas daily journals, travel books, gratitude journals, and baby books. Each Gadanke book has writing prompts to get the creativity flowing. The 100% recycled papers, Italian papers, old school library cards, and pockets are just perfect for documenting your world. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll never forget.Flip through the pages of readers' journals, and be ready to celebrate your stories." -Katie
Giveaway: $25 gift certificate to Gadanke.***************************************************
Kaeleh Bee
"Hi Smile & Wave readers! I'm Kaelah Bee and I write at the blog Little Chief Honeybee. I'm a 22 year old southern belle with bright red hair and an abundance of tattoos and piercings. My life motto is to "Dress as though every day is a tea party". My blog is a hodgepodge of daily outfits, foodie features, free mixtapes, wedding wednesdays and everything I find inspiring! You'll also see a lot of my stellar boyfriend Mike and my two lovable bulldogs, Georgia Sue and Pipkin LaRue. I make handmade hair accessories in my spare time and I'll soon be expanding my etsy to include my entire owl collection as well as lots of vintage goodies! I hope you'll stop by and say hello!" -
Giveaway: 2-pack of autumn-inspired fabric rosette headbands.
"My name is Hollie and I live in Western PA with my sweet English Bulldog, Wheezy. I became a vintage lover/hunter about 2 years ago after I started to tag along to yard sales with my mom. Each Saturday morning is now devoted to treasure hunting with her. I focus mostly on vintage housewares and decor and find it so thrilling to discover that one piece sitting in the corner waiting for a new life. My own personal vintage collections at the moment consist of gnomes, birds and cameras!" - Hollie
Giveaway: I am giving away a sweet vintage necklace/brooch. It pictures 3 horses in a cameo type setting and hangs on a thicker gold chain. It can also be taken off of the chain and worn just as a brooch. It will look great with any vintage dress! :) (valued at $22)******************************************
Share your favorite Thanksgiving afternoon activity!
Winner will be announced on the 26th.
1 – 200 of 380 Newer› Newest»E A T I N G & E A T I N G!
Hmm my favorite Thanksgiving activity is sitting at the table as the kids play video games, the boys watch football and the women go through the newspaper ads and write out our Black Friday shopping map!
Thank you for this giveaway.
Besides eating...my family usually starts playing a game of some sort whether it be Catch Phrase or something on the Wii! So fun!
Watching the Dallas Cowboys with an overly stuffed belly :]
I love napping :) [after cleaning up from the grand Thanksgiving meal, of course!]
Playing any board game I am particularly great at!
thanksgiving activity favorito: digesting food on the couch huggling with my hubby and getting up now and then to eat seconds. lame and glorious all at the same time.
champagne :)
My family and I break out the UNO cards and play it cut-throat hardcore! Play a 0? SHIFT LEFT! Have a 7? GIMME YO' CARDS!
And course stacking a Draw 4 on top of a Draw 4 on top of a Draw 4 on top of a Draw 4. Pick up SIXTEEN CARDS, HAHAHA! \(>.<)/
Games with the family!!
We do not celebrate Thanksgiving here in Bulgaria, but If we had I think I would have loved to spend the afternoon playing with my boys
my favorite Thanksgiving tradition is making the drive from Springfield to Kansas every year! my family is huge, crazy, amazing, and loving.
happy thanksgiving, rachel!
if I'm not eating, I want to be napping. ha! Having two kiddos, though, that's usually hard to do. I'll probably be trying to keep them off of the dessert table, doing my best to convince them that naps are indeed gifts!
If Thanksgiving was a danish holliday, I would spend it watching a ball game and eating my food in the sofa!
We do Thanksgiving lunch...so my favorite afternoon activity is NAPTIME!...so then I can make room to start on the leftovers!
making pecan tassies while watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade with my lovely mother!!!! :)
Oh good lord after eating all that food, I go into food coma and can't really move. Which is why the only activity we, as a big greek family, can do is do what greeks do best.....talk. For hours and about everything. My personal favorite is listening to life stories of some of the older family members :)
Dallas Cowboys!!!!!
if NZ had a thanksgiving afternoon, i think i'd spend it laying on the grass staring at the clouds talking about Nothing Much with my sisters while the kids imagine play in my mum's garden.
Sleeping? Hee hee... I'm only half kidding ;)
eating! :]
I just love being around family, talking and laughing. And sneaking little slivers of pumpkin pie...because if cut small enough the calories don't count.
Cooking throughout the day, warming up for dinner (snacking), watching the parade followed by the dog show and miracle on 34th street. And of course, spending time with my family!
besides eating??? is there anything else??
watching the cowboys game, wishing that it was the steelers playing because i hate the cowboys? :)
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the Netherlands.. But we celebrate Sinterklaa the 5th of December were you can eat as much candy and hot chocolate as you can handle!
And now I can't win one of the giveaways... :'(
in the past few years we've made it a tradition to hike around zion's canyon while the turkey is in the oven. we then eat dinner when we get home around 5 or 6.
writing out the placecards, it's been my job since I was seven! :)
OH by far the favorite was when I was little and the "cousins" would try to run off and pay so we wouldn't have to help clean up. It never worked. :) Happy Thanksgiving!
my favorite Thanksgiving activity is spending time with my family and friends!
and playing yahtzee!
rsmryx at gmail dot com
sitting around and laughing with all my cousins while we tell stories after stuffing ourselves with lots of turkey, potatoes, and pie!
Eating and watching movies... ALL DAY!
making the turkey --- it's exciting to see how it turns out!
spending as much time as possible with my brothers while i'm home from school :)
I love playing games...board games or cards. so fun.
pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin pie! i realize i could make it all year long if i wanted to - but there is just something about eating on thanksgiving that makes it that much more special!
making stuffing! and dressing up all old time-y!
We don't celebrate thanksgiving in Holland but no doubts that my favorite activity definitely must be the eating part :-)
I've only been to two Thanksgivings in my life, since I'm Croatia, but the food was unrivalled, so I'd have to go with eating as well :)
Truth I think my favorite Thanksgiving activity is the nap. My family and I always end up taking a nap at some point on the big day. I also love the cooking though, I am hosting Thanksgiving at my home for the second time this year and I really love the cooking.
Hm...drinking wassail and giving thanks with all gathered :)
pumpkin pie. then more pie. and a slice of turkey on top. then passing out with my cats on my belly, a rubbish film and family either side of me.
taking the longest nap EVER!!! followed by a game of touch football! Happy Almost Thanksgiving!!!
Is it wrong to say a nap? After all that food? Glorious!
I love curling up on the couch with a good book or a new knitting project on Thanksgiving afternoon :) And then eating even more punkin pie!
Awesome! My favorite Thanksgiving afternoon activity is drinking hot apple cider and playing games with family :)
Oh my word, taking a nap after we eat Thanksgiving dinner! I do it every year!!
My favorite Thanksgiving afternoon activity would be playing a game. Either outside or in depending on the weather
Macaroni and cheese and turkey overdose. Usually half past noon, the authorities are called because I've failed to respond to proper stimuli. They check my breathing and find my heart rate is slow and weak because of the high rate of cheddar poisoning. My pupils fail to dilate because high tryptophan exposure. When they ask me my name, I gobble gobble. When they open my hands, they're oozing butter. However grotesque, its a perfect ending to a wonderful Thanksgiving afternoon.
I don't know about favorite, but it has become our little family tradition, since our extended family lives ten hours away, we are usually just the six of us on Thanksgiving. So after dinner and a little nap, we always build a gingerbread village to ring in the next season. The kids love it!
I am from New Zealand, and right now I am living in London, so I have never celebrated Thanksgiving!
I think, if I did, my favourite would be the yummy looking food, and spending time with my family :)
Baking pumpkin pie of course :)
my favorite thanksgiving afternoon activity is EATING! Really, I don't stop...into the night! :)
Sarah M
After we all eat and dishes are cleaned up, all the ladies/girls are all at the table looking at all the sales paper for the Black Friday shopping.
Love these. My favorite Activity is a walk in the park after our Thanksgiving dinner. Helps make room for Pie :-)
Love these. My favorite Activity is a walk in the park after our Thanksgiving dinner. Helps make room for Pie :-)
we don't celebrate thanksgiving here, but one favourite thing to do anytime of year when the family comes together and just enjoys each other's company is playing board games. such a fun and laidback thing to do!
Just having friends and family all together. Watching the boys play video games, hanging in the kitchen with the girls....and eating!!
takes a photoshoot season at the street with all my family..
I enjoy cooking in the kitchen with my mom :)
soooo cute.... my favorite thanksgiving activity is sitting around the bonfire with my entire family laughing
Wow, what awesome sponsors! Hmm...my favorite Thanksgiving activity is cooking a huge meal with my mom and grandma :)
Have a happy Thanksgiving! :)
Eating more food! And playing games.
ping pong or pool with my cousins
Putting up our Christmas decorations!
Sitting around with the whole family. :)
I love to play Rummy with my family!
Taking photographs of all 30 people that will be at our thanksgiving dinner. So much fun!
After the big dinner and a little R&R, my family all goes to the movies! We have been doing this tradition for 15+ years. This year we are going to see HP7! :)
The afternoon walk with my Nana and cousins.....and of couse, the eating.
napping! But I'm biased because grad school is kicking my butt!
Ah I love to play a good board game while sipping hot chocolate! Fun times with family!
growing up we always cut down a Christmas tree for my Grandmother. I miss her!
Playing cards with my mom, and napping!
Watching the thanksgiving parade on tv while cooking..
Great Giveaway!
my favorite t-day activity is definitely sitting around the table laughing so hard with all my cousins!
What a great bunch of stuff. A: Drinking hot cider.
grazing back over the food after the meal and nap
my favorite part? napping after a huge dinner!!!
enjoying a food induced nap on the couch. :)
making xmas lists with all the kids!
My ABSOLUTE favorite Thanksgiving activity is putting up Christmas with my son....his excitment for it grows every year! he's 7 this year and i can HARDLY believe it!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING FRIENDS! <3
Thanksgiving afternoon wouldn't be the same without the "fauxtobooth" - we set up a background of sorts and the tripod and snap funny shots of us being goofy with some sort of silly prop. This year I'm making felt mustaches, but last year it was a crazy collection of sunglasses. Definitely a good way to keep up on the family portraits ;)
Going for a walk, then coming back home for some leftovers :)
laughing till it hurts with my wonderful family. no doubt.
(what great giveaways!)
eating and watching the cowboys game!!
Holy awsome giveaway! Okay my favorite"s" would have to be cooking and the excuses as one by one family members sneek into the kitchen to "check" on the progress (but really snag bits and pieces to nosh on)and then after stuffing ourselves to the gills snuggleing together to watch a movie!
playing games with my family
well after eating loads of food...we watch some good football! and then play some football outside during half time to work off some of that food... :)
most definitely watching my 92 year old grandma beam with delight looking at the generations of family members...children, grandchildren, and greatchildren enjoying one another's company!
My favorite thanksgiving afternoon activity is...putting on sweatpants after lunch haha
Holy-greatest-giveaway,ever! My favorite Thanksgiving activity--playing cards with four generations of Terlaps. Great Grandma usually wins!
being so full then just stuffng some pumpkin pie in there!!
this giveaway is amazing!
Playing football with my family is my favorite activity.
We, as the younger generation of ladies in the family, have been trying to take over cleaning for the older generation of women (who also cook). Most of the after-dinner activities include shooing those women away from the kitchen sink.
All of the giveway items are lovely.
Our entire big, crazy family gets together for two days, and it is lovely to just spend time together!
my favorite would be eating! haha
While the turkey is in the oven and most of the food prep has been done my family likes to sit at the table playing games all afternoon. Its nice to relax and hang out all together.
We don't really do much in the afternoon. We wake up super early to get everything started. So I am going to say my favorite is watching the parade and "tearing" the bread for stuffing. This year is the first year my 7,6 and 4 year old really want to help out. I am super excited to share that tradition with them. :)
Well after our big meal, I just love to talk & relax with family.
Fantastic giveaway!!
laughing with my family. laughing at my grandma after she has had 2 sips of wine!
Dancing with my 4 year old sister! And since it's Thanksgiving, that means it's now time for Christmas music!
Relaxing and just being with family after an awesome meal: ) What a great giveaway!
there are too many to choose from! eating, eating some more, board games, laughing at my babies and then eating some more.
I like to just lay on the couch, food makes me tired
sitting with my family talking about the upcoming Christmas season and crocheting!
We play board games... Scrabble Risk, the game of Life, or the perennial favorite... Catchphrase!!!!
My family goes to Knott's Berry Farm and we ride roller coasters. Then we get a cheesy photo magnet made. My Mommy showccases them on her fridge. She always has them print "The Queen and her Royal Court" on it. Too Cute!
Happy Thanksgiving Wishes To You.
love love,
Fritzi Marie
im a bit of a tomboy so my favorite activity at thanksgiving (besides eating) is playing football in grandmothers yard with the boys =)
well...after a HUGE & delicious Thanksgiving lunch...i usually like to let myself slip into a food coma and take a nice nap before coming back to the table for another round at dinner...ahhh...sweet gluttony :)
The whole family snuggles up on the couch and pillows and we watch our first Christmas movie...Home Alone, A Christmas Story, etc.
It's the best way to usher in the Christmas season and digest all our yummy food :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
after we eat my entire tribe of family and friends gathers to play charades. Always men against women (the women always win!). There is always someone new at our house and this is how they get initiated into my wild family :)
We usually play a game (31 or trivial pursuit) after the eating slows down...so much fun!
Napping and getting out the Christmas decorations...
My favorite T-giving afternoon activity is snoozing on the couch, with the TV on in the background...if my husband or other male family members are in the room, it'll probably be on football, if it's just me, then it will be on Food Network! Then, after a snooze, I will attempt to take a walk with the dogs, then come back home for round 2 of eating!
My favorite Thanksgiving Activity is usually the movie marathon that occurs after the food and for the turkey coma that will occur, but this year it will be the swimming in my moms new pool!
Thanks for the awesome giveaways!!
eating :)
My favorite Thanksgiving afternoon activity is relaxing on the couch and visiting with my family!
wow!!!! favorite activity would be taking a walk after the meal. (then returning home for more pumpkin pie and coffee!!!)) thanks for this generous giveaway and for all the love on your blog!!!
After eating, my family goes around the table and says what they are thankful for. I can't wait for my turn this year, as I have a new baby boy that I am head over heels for. Last year I was prego and an absolute hormone disaster during all of the Thanksgiving speeches. So glamorous.
Card games with family. Nap. And Dessert. Perfect afternoon!
Love the prizes! <3
I like going for a long walk after a big Thanksgiving meal or doing any physical activity. There's nothing that makes me feel more uncomfortable than a big food baby in my tummy!
Here is the plan: help mom cook, eat, football, sleep, eat <3
The few minutes of quiet in the car, between visiting our parents. The day is always so hectic!
The few minutes of quiet in the car, between visiting our parents. The day is always so hectic!
Setting the table--it always looks so pretty.
my favorite Thanksgiving activity (besides the eating, of course) is sitting around the living room with all of my family and just talking about life. <3
Chase the dogs around our Uncle's property and make them stop scaring the horses!
I like the peacefulness that comes after all the eating is finished. The kids usually retreat to playing, hubby chills on the couch, and since everyone is content, I can knit or work on a project.
These giveaways are fantastic, I am so excited!
I love hanging out, talking with family, and going through old photo albums!
squirrelgonutz [at] yahoo [dot] com
Macy's parade and some type of sweet, gooey breakfast.
My family has an annual poker game-usually I lose-but its soooo fun!
EATING!!! then napping and watching football with my brother!
I'm Canadian so our Thanksgiving is past already - and I don't think it is quite as big as the American one!
but my fav part is obviously the eating!
watching football! it's a family tradition that will be even more difficult this year since my dad isn't with us this year (he always ruled the channel changer).
Crafting! My sisters and I have a tradition of always sewing or making something for the Christmas season after our Thanksgiving dinner. love it!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Amy M.
We always play the game "Left, Right, Center" with quarters. One year I won $30!
every year for thanksgiving we make dinner for a family in need.
it's something i look forward to doing with my kid{s} oneday.
it's one of my favorite things and i look forward to it every year.
I love to eat and then just relax!! :)
playing games (and eating of course) and then napping (or rather falling into a coma) due to all this eating
so I really just love to eat all day.... :)
and now that I have four kids I love to snuggle on the couch with all my babies and our full tummies and pretend that a nap is possible
My perfect Thanksgiving day would be
parade in the morning, cooking while the men watch football, eating, then playing cards and looking for Black Friday deals afterward.
we love to watch a movie or play a card game or a game on the wii after thanksgiving dinner!
My family is pretty good about eating ALL day long on Thanksgiving, but we usually wind down with a good game of speed uno & spoons and then we make a plan for black Friday shopping. Can't wait!
My favorite afternoon activity is playing front-yard football with my husband, his brothers and their significant others. Usually I whine a little, because it's cold, but it's great to get the exercise & have the laughs!
Love that necklace! Everyone else will probably sleeping but I will be knitting! Yeah!
Watching a movie together, and playing games late into the night. And eating all the leftovers. We also draw names to get each other 1 gift, and start making Christmas preparations.
i love sitting with the other women in my fammily and going thru the sales ads for black friday.
Thanksgiving afternoons in our house usually involve napping (for me) with the Dallas Cowboys (for Dad, and all the older men in the family) playing in the background. Along with another serving of pie!
Poker!!! Every Thanksgiving for as long as i can remember! I used to love sitting eye level with the table and watch my dad, all my uncles, and Pa play, and now im old enough to jump in on the fun!! :)
we celebrate my daughter's birthday early(her b-day is 12/10) with our out of town family. having a dec bday is tough and they're typically forgotten(i should know...mine's 12/1). we know it's the one day that everyone will be able to celebrate with her!
taking a walk in the afternoon chill - all bundled up! i have MANY family memories of our fun walks!
We're starting a new tradition this year--playing Apples to Apples!
Game of dominos and a good nap!
My family takes a walk after every Thanksgiving dinner. It always makes me feel better about that piece of pumpkin pie!
Taking a nice little walk with my family before the big meal :)
After a week of prepping, two days of cooking, and many weeks of anticipating, the meal usually only lasts about 30 minutes, and then we all start dropping into nap time like flies! My favorite part? Sneaking extra "seconds" (or thirds!) while everyone else is asleep... no one is the wiser! :)
Hanging out with family! There's nothing better:)
I enjoy some grown up conversation with the family while my kids get to run off with the cousins they dont get to see often enough!! (And I secreatly enjoy not being the one who has to cook or clean!)
taking lots of pictures! I love taking pictures!
I like reading, while everyone else has a long nap! :D
After dinner we love to watch a holiday movie or go out to the movies.
i think its so cute when after thanksgiving dinner we go to a movie, aunts, uncles, everybody!
Wow, those prizes look amazing! I'm a Canadian so my Thanksgiving has already passed but my absolute favorite thing to do after the turkey has settled is to make crafts with my little cousin!
I love the assortment of people we have through our house on Thanksgiving. I guess we're the family that adopts people for the day. I love it :)
Walking by the river with the whole family, but slowly since we are all so full!
It's a tie between baking all the delicious deserts and eating!
my favorite thanksgiving activity is eating, of course! second favorite : playing board games.
family photo shoot - thanksgiving edition!
lovely giveaway!
happy thanksgiving weekend!
Eating my grandmother's traditional yakisoba and playing The Game of Things with my family. Thank you for the delightful giveaway!
Gosh thats a long list of comments! Favorite thanksgiving afternoon activity: can we say food coma? Happy Thanksgiving!
Sitting at the coffee table playing dominos and eating home made hummus and chips, drinking fun seasonal beer with knitted mini sweater beer cozies ha ha, with the love of my life, listing to holiday tunes.
My favorite thanksgiving activity is when my family and I sit around the table right after we finish the delicious meal my mom and I make and tell each other a few of the great many things we're thankful for. It's a great time for all of us to reflect on the amazing lives we're all living and realize all over again how lucky we are to get to be together. Unfortunately this year I'm in London, but I'll still Skype in after dinner!
oh my goodness! i love every activity that make up thanksgiving afternoon! cooking, football(much to my girls dismay!) eating, lying around stuffed like the turkey was moments earlier! lol
its my favorite day!
group nap :)
My favorite thanksgiving is my family's annual "Turkey Swap". It's like secret santa, but we all know we're going to be broke around christmas, so all of the adults in the family swap gifts after turkey dinner(while all the kids are out of sight,locked in the basement playing of course:). Come christmas time we get to focus on the little ones! My mom and her siblings started this tradition when they first started having kids and as adults now we LOVE it so much! P.S. I LOVE your blog! absolutely fabulous in every way:)
Digesting while having some good conversations with friends & family...
Mine is having a cup of tea and playing bananagrams.
I always spend Thanksgiving afternoon with my Dad at the barn husking corn. Its actually really fun and I love spending time with him. I can almost smell the cold air now!
Hanging out with family. We have alot of them in town. So we see everyone.
My favorite Thanksgiving activity is playing board games with my nephews before dinner!
espedal dot et at gamil dot com
well after cooking with my mama in the kitchen, and eating all day my favorite thing to do is run around with the kids outside in this beautiful fall weather!
Spending time with family and thinking about dessert!
We all lounge around on giant pillows in the living room playing board games and nibble on Andes mints!
great giveaway!!!
my favorite thanksgiving activity: toss up between stuffing my face and the awesome nap after! :)
I love spending time with my boyfriends family. We usually watch a movie after dinner while eating pie!
Baking in preparation for the night's feast! I want to make apple cobbler this year! :)
hmmmm napping after going to the parade very early
lying on the couch and enjoying being with my family.
can eating be considered a favorite activity????? seriously, so cliche. hm.. ok... falling asleep on the couch AFTER the turkey.
for the past few years our family has done a photobooth at Thanksgiving with pilgrim and indian props and everything and it is a total blast - at the end of the evening we have a ton of fun family photos and then of course it's time to watch Christmas Vacation..can't wait!! This year my husband and I made a teepee using your tutorial for the booth, I will send you photos when were done!
I love sitting around the table drinking coffee and eating pie after a big meal. It is so fun to catch up with everyone I might not have seen in awhile.
What an amazing giveaway!!!
I'd have to say that my favorite Thanksgiving activity is reheating the thanksgiving lunch leftovers with the family and cuddling in the den while watching football : )
My favorite Thanksgiving afternoon activity is to go to the movies. It's so simple, but it's something we've done for years and years and I just love seeing a good movie with my family on a holiday (we do it on Christmas too)!
EATING!! Ha. And watching football with the boys!
My fav afternoon activity on Thanksgiving is vegging out and trying to ignore the piles of dishes for as long as possible! Haha
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