I have the loveliest sponsors for the month of November, many of which have kindly offered a giveaway to one lucky Smile and Wave reader! I've grouped the prizes together so that the winner doesn't get just one exciting treat but four! Take a look at what my sponsors are offering in Giveaway Package #1.
"Hello there Smile and Wave readers. This is Erin from Sunshine and Carousels and I am so happy to be sponsoring and hosting a giveaway here on the Smile and Wave blog. I have a blog where I write about crafty things, motherhood, decor,shopping, vintage, recipes and more. I love to make pretty happy little things for your everyday wear. I absolutely love pairing beautiful colors and creating intricate details. My favorite thing to do is create. Today I'm offering a $30 dollar credit to my shop for one of you lovely Smile and Wave readers. So get your entries in and have a lovely day." -Erin
Giveaway: $30 shop credit

APT 22
"Hello! My name is Candice and my husband Mike and I started our vintage shop, apt22, about a year ago. We had taken up the hobby of collecting vinyl and began scouring thrift stores and flea markets looking to add to our collection. While digging through old piles of dusty records we began discovering tons of amazing vintage finds. Knowing we couldn't keep everything for ourselves but wanting to share all of our great finds, we started apt22, named for an apartment we had while living in New York. You can read more about our shop and us by visiting Candice's blog: The Design Boards which catalogs our thrifting adventures, interior, fashion and style inspirations, and our journey in renovating our mid century home." - Candice
Giveaway: $25 shop credit

MadeYaLook brings you vintage from the Midwest. I have tons of fun with this hobby. I want to share a Christmas package to start off your holiday season that combines vintage crafts (think sequined light fixture covers) with vintage Christmas (the coolest vintage card EVER!). -CherylGiveaway: Everything in the photo. Retail value $37.
My name is Molly and Vivi Dot is my collection of handmade accessories. The most recent additions to my line include Polaroid Necklaces (a collaboration with Our.City.Lights Photography) as well as a bunch of new pendants and statement necklaces. Most of the fabrics are designed in house (by me and my fiance) especially for each item. My blog documents my adventures in decorating my new rental house, cooking, crafting, and planning a wedding.
Giveaway: The winner will receive one of my new Polaroid Necklaces that comes with a matching Our.City.Lights post card print. $24 value.*******************************************************************
Share your favorite Thanksgiving food craving!
Winner will be announced on the 26th.
1 – 200 of 341 Newer› Newest»Ohhhh green bean casserole by far!
all of these giveaways are to die for!!
My favorite thanksgiving thing I crave is my grandmothers Rosemary turkey. It is to die for... but I wont lie, I am also partial to my Nana's homemade pecan pie, infact I can never get enough of it!! bring on the food and the thanks!!
Mashed potatoes! As a vegetarian I'm pretty restricted to side dishes during Thanksgiving, but it works out really well. Because I could seriously eat 2 pounds of mashed potatoes and veg gravy in one sitting.
This is such an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.
Dessert! All of them!
my favorite is a green jello salad that my mom always makes.. sounds weird but its sooo good! stuffing is pretty awesome too though!.. heh
sweet potatoes w/ marshmallows!
Cranberry Sauce!
Everything looks soo cute! I would chuffed even just to win one cutie!
Mmmm....Brocoli and Cheese Casserole...not tooo soggy... Carrots steamed slightly...cheesy goodness that is sure to put ya on the treadmill the very next morning!
Give me the whole kit and caboodle! Highlights...turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn bread, rolls, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie, home-made whipped cream, oh, but I forgot...probably a favorite is the olives I fill up on while the meal is being prepared...(although they don't fit on my adult fingers so well any more)!
My future mother-in-law makes a mean vegan carrot cake. Whenever I try to make it, it turns out like carrot-y dried bread, but somehow she's found the secret behind making it super moist and flavourful. Though its a year long craving, it's a guarantee at thanksgiving.
Stuffing and black olives. Love them both. Happy Thanksgiving. Your blog is just so fun to read.
I can't wait for Mash and Gravy. Yum!
sweet potatoes w/ the marshmallows!
I can never get enough stuffing! in the bird, outside of the bird, whatever. it's amazinggggg.
-leslie clark <3
Sweet potatoes and greem beam casserole!!!!! Mmmmmmm I cant wait!!!!
stuffing :)
purplebutterflyyy at gmail dot com
the polaroid necklace is fabulous!
and mmm i really love mashed potatoes!!
Stuffing and cranberries yum yum yummy! Love all the giveaways, happy thanksgiving!
Sweet potatoes and marshmallows! Or orange Jello salad with crushed pineapple and mandarin orange slices...yum...
My Thanksgiving craving is definitely stuffing! <3
stuffing and Roasted sweet potatoes! YUMMMMY
Hands down sweet potato casserole! I actually decided today that I will make that a more than one time a year dish!
Pumpkin pie! It's not Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie!
I think it's mostly the pecan pie, and the reason for that is because it means the dishes are done, food is put away and I am sitting down with family and friends enjoying the pie and french press!
umm we have this thing called perogie casserole...it's like the most delicious thing ever...mmmmmmmmm
BRUSSEL SPROUTS!!! (stuffed with herbed cream cheese)
any my husband's mashed potatoes. no lumps!
We don't have Thanksgiving here in New Zealand, obviously, but I hear/read about the holiday and especially the FOOD. Because all my U.S. friends are on a TG kick I am totally craving pumpkin pie and turkey!
We do not have Thanksgiving in Bulgaria, but I love mashed potatoes and, the gravy too :)
I could eat stuffing with a shovel. Delicious!
I crave my ginger glazed carrots!!! Yummo!
Warm, soft, flaky biscuits with (a small amount of) melting butter. ~ XD
green bean casserole, hands down. with extra crispy onions (from the can) on top. doesn't get any better!
delish! is it thanksgiving yet??? i'm hungry!
This is my first thanksgiving as an almost vegetarian. I've never come across a Tofurkey as anything other than a hilarious word, but I sure would love one of those!
I'm a stuffing girl. Like, "would you like some turkey with your stuffing?" obsessed with it!
well being from australia we don't usually do thanksgiving.
but this year i have been inspired to throw a thanksgiving dinner party.. and i am making pumpkin pie. something i always make my american friends make for me...
so im craving that., kim
Here in Denmark we do not celebrate Thanksgiving, so I can't share a fave!
But I can cross my fingers and to I win! :-)
Giving thanks! <3
Haha it's true, I can't wait to be with people and talk about why life is amazing and beautiful.
Thanks to YOU for the giveaway. :)
I am definitely going to have to go with candied sweet potatoes. My mother has the BEST recipe ever! She found it in a Louisiana style cookbook years ago and has been in charge of them ever since. I've had so many people ask me for the recipe after having snagged a few bites. Yummmm!
we don't have thanksgiving here in NZ but today 29 miners, who have been trapped since an explosion 6 days ago, were killed for certain in a second, larger explosion today. it is awful news for everyone here...especially at this time of the year.
and so, i am just thankful to have life. and to be able to eat any food.
so thankful.
Stuffing!!! And the whole meal is so good, that my hubby and I buy a few turkeys on sale after Thanksgiving, and make the meal over again a few times throughout the winter!
I'm craving garlic turkey and cranberry jelly something fierce! :)
Pies, pies and more pies!
Homemade mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy! Yummmm <3
i love stuffing!!
pumpkin pie, pumpkin roll, or pumpkin cheesecake
just turkey, stuffing and 100 lbs of gravy, straight up. i don't like casseroles.
yams with toasted marshmallows on top...mmmm yum! also, some old traditional recipes passed down from my grandma. apple cake with butter sauce & carrot pudding with pineapple sauce..my mouth is watering.
ps what a fantastic give away!
cranberry sauce in a can, like seriously the cheaper the better!
mashed potatoes and gravy. and green bean casserole. and fresh rolls. and grandma's spiced peaches. I never can pick just one thing. ;)
OMGosh, my grampa's cherry pie! He picks the cherries from the tree int he back yard in the summer time and freezes them. then for thanksgiving he makes pies with them. so tart and sweet and amazing!
rsmryx at gmail dot com
Potatoes! All kinds of potatoes, but especially this kind my mom makes, that we call "company potatoes." So good!
The dish I crave the most has got to be the stuffing!
I can't wait for the pumpkin pie! yum!
My favorite Thanksgiving craving is mashed sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows! Sweet goodness! My mouth waters just thinking about them, but not as much as it waters looking at all that's included in this awesome giveaway! ;-)
-Elise Hartman
mmmm my moms wonderful cream corn that i'm still trying to perfect!
Thanksgiving food?!?! Homemade rolls of course.
stuffing! definitely stuffing! haha, it's my favorite food of ALL time not just thanksgiving :)
Pumpkin Pie!
pumpkin pie with canned whip cream. yummmmmmmmmm
Pumpkin Bread! Or anything Pumpkin!
pumpkin pie. only because we live in england where there is no pumpkin pie (and it's delicious...)
Mmmm...green bean casserole or my sister's perfect sweet potato casserole! (It really should be a dessert)
ohhhhh this is a toughy..there are sooo many yummy dishes that I crave. But, I have to go with pumpkin pie... it's the only time of the year/day that I get to eat it :)
Cranberries in the Snow...so Yummy...I'm posting the recipe later tonight. Everyone should try it atleast once. It's making my stomach growl now :)
I love french potatoes!!! Won't eat the turkey, but those french potatoes (note not french fries..lol) are amazing!!
This year I don't get to go home to celebrate with all my family, so my mom, boyfriend, and I are going to a restaurant in Brason... so my food craving this year is "something new for Thanksgiving!" I'm hoping to try someone else's favorite holiday treat!
Yay! Awesome giveaways!
My Thanksgiving craving...stuffing stuffing and more stuffing! :)
Mmmmm. Pumpkin Pie all the way!
Cool giveaway! My all time fave thanksgiving treat is Squash Casserole! I love squash :) :)
Mashed potatoes and broccoli casserole! Absolute favorites!
My Thanksgiving Food Craving is Turkey and Dressing. I only get to eat it once a year and I am sooo looking forward to it.
I love Sweet Potatoes. Yum!
I've always always wanted to try pumpkin pie! If I ever come to America, that's going to be on my list!
my grandma's stuffing <3
My fav. Thanksgiving food is a tie...between green bean casserole & turkey with gravy!!
Sarah M
My favorite Thanksgiving food item is ham. We pretty much only have it twice a year. Can't wait.
It's gotta be stuffing. Happy Thanksgiving!
Snuggling up with family and watching a movie on the couch after stuffing our faces with good food and sharing stories!
I love dressing. I've loved every kind I've tasted! But pecan pie is so delish as well!
pumpkin pie filling. not the pie itself just the leftover filling that my mom always used to bake alone in this little vintage pyrex dish. i always got to eat that the night before for helping prep everything.
pumpkin brownies with hot chocolate marshmallows
it.s make your day melt. .
sweet potato pie all the way....yummy
i love cranberry sauce! i've just started making and canning my own. but thanksgiving is all about my mom's stuffing. nothing like it in the world.
my mom's stuffing for sure
What a great giveaway!
My food craving is definitely the turkey. We only cook it like this once a year, and it's definitely a treat. Love it!
Anything starchy!!
I like to smother my turkey & mashed potatoes with gravy - yum!
I love my aunt's baked macaroni and cheese yumminess!!!
My dad's famous mashed potatoes! They're filled with cream cheese and sour cream and are my biggest splurge of the day!
My sister "Sweet potato and pecan pie"
i love to be stuffed with stuffing :-)
great giveaways!
happy & healthy to you & yours miss rach!
All year I look forward to the green bean casserole and my mom's red skin mashed potatoes! yum!
gravy! I only have it on Thanksgiving and Christmas! :)
Totally looking forward to stuffing. I could seriously eat that stuff every day. YUM!!
I would say my husbands Sweet Potato Fluff!!! yummy in my tummy
all. those. pies!!
I'm hoping I can make cranberry polenta this year (if there's enough room in the kitchen for me). But we're also going to try and space out the food, put out some brussel sprouts with bacon as appetizers and have a salad for lunch, so it's not an overwhelming whopper of a meal.
Turkey! When else do you get to eat it but the holiday season?
ummmm.....pumpkin pie!
I've been craving my mom's pecan pie like crazy!
Traditional Thanksgiving food I am craving is STUFFING! mmm, my fave!
My mumma is making amazing green beans and my beau is making brussel sprouts. I'm definitely craving the beans and excited to try the sprouts!!
love me some deviled eggs!
What a lovely giveaway!
Favorite Thanksgiving craving? My mother-in-law's cornbread stuffing and gravy :)
mashed potatoes and the dinner rolls are my favorite part of Thanksgiving, and yes - while they are available throughout the year they're just not the same without all the family and fixins ^.^ can't wait!
My mom's stuffing...when she starts mixing the ingredients, it just smells like thanksgiving.
MMMMM.......My mom makes this AMAZING Potato Casserole (i don't think i know how to spell either of those words!!! hahahah :} ) with crumbled up chips on the top. I take up pretty much half of my plate with just that....and maybe go back for more!
definitely green bean casserole and the stuffing! delish!
tough one! toss up between pie and fresh baked rolls ;]
Stuffing, definitely stuffing.
And then carrot souffle, yum. I can't wait for tomorrow.
cranberry sauce! I put so much on you would think im just eating cranberries
my favorite thing is stuffin! :) yummmm oh and apple pie, you can never go wrong with apple pie
Mashed potatoes! Little bit of butter, little bit of salt and made with a lot of milk!
Amber R.
Oh I love all Thanksgiving food, but my favorite is definitely the stuffing...yum!
What a great giveaway!
I like it all! My dady usually makes me a thanksgiving dinner for my birthday (in january) because I like it so much.
Mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, turkey with cranberry sauce..yum
Sweet potatoes! This year I'm staying at school and won't be able to have Thanksgiving dinner with my family, but I'm getting my grandma's recipe so I can at least make this favorite!
Turkey! All the time. Doesn't matter when or where. I always want turkey!
Pumpkin pie cheesecake (of the vegan variety). mmm..desert wise. Gravy and mashed potatoes..mmm
Oh I've gotta have some apple pie...yummy : ) Great giveaway!
stuffing! We don't have Thanksgiving this week but with everyone talking about it, I'm craving so badly!
Oh gosh my absolute biggest thanksgiving craving would have to be the pumpkin pie with so much whip cream that not a speck of orange shows through. ;)
Pumpkin pie for sure!
Mmmm.....Pumpkin Pie. I am the only person in my family who loves it, so that means lots of pie (and chubby thighs) for me!
candied sweet potatoes (minus the marshmallows) and tons of homemade vegan stuffing!
I love my stepdad's stuffing. He puts walnuts, cranberries, and dates in it. YUM.
love love,
Fritzi Marie
I'm not normally an apple pie fan but there is something magical about my mom's...in fact, she makes a separate one for me that no one is allowed to eat!
sweet potato casserole...all the brown sugar & marshmallows always satisfy my sweet tooth
Pumpkin pie is what I crave all year!
Hands down: creamed corn! So delicious but I feel too guilty making it any other time of the year.
You do have the best sponsors, great giveaway!
Monkey bread and mimosas while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!
Cheese Potatoes. On Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July, and any other holiday that I can somehow incorporate a huge pan of them into :)
Definitely Sweet Potato Casserole with Brown Sugar and Pecans on top. It is beyond delicious!!
pumpkin pie :)
Mashed potatoes & gravy
I can't get enough of jellied cranberries. That's all I need. <3
oh, my GOODNESS. peas and mashed potatoes covered in gravy. no question. love these gorgeous gifts! mil gracias!
sweet potato pie!
Stuffing and mashed potatoes. MMMM!!!
I love sweet potatoes, and of course the freshly made pumpkin pie with heavy cream whip cream, yum.
Green bean casserole! I'm a vegetarian, so this is a serious staple in my Thanksgiving diet.
squirrelgonutz [at] yahoo [dot] com
sweet potato pie!!
I am a mashed potato girl!!! I love that at thanksgiving we make so much I could eat them all day long!!! and I do :)
WHat a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.
I gotta go with Green Bean Casserole... the next day (leftovers)... and COLD! lol
PUMPKIN PIE!!!! its the only time of year to eat it!
I love the sweet potato dishes. There are so many varieties!
definitely pumpkin pie! with a bunch of whipped cream!
-Kelly Elizabeth
mmmmm....pumpkin logs! They are out of this world yummy...in fact I'm making one right now :)
stuffing and cranberries!
Dressing...although our family calls it "junk" ;) It is my FAV!! Followed by a big piece of pumpkin pie with a huge dollop of whipped cream..oh my...I suddenly feel the need to by bigger pants ;D
My favorite are the mashed potatoes!
I am SO craving some baked cream corn. (drooling)
I love stuffing so much. And green bean casserole. Down home cookin' ftw!
Amy M.
everything cranberry related, i think! i'm pretty crazy about these..
hmmm... i love the turkey dressing, squash casserole & pies (chocolate, pumpkin, apple, pecan)
Green bean casserole! I could eat the whole dish by myself!
I'm glad to see fellow green bean casserole lovers on here! I can't live without this dish! :)
Pumpkin pie!
double-layer pumpkin pie with caramel and whipped cream. Yummy!
Oh my gosh! Definitely cornbread dressing with cranberry sauce!!!! LOVE it, and it has taken years to finally learn my grandmother's recipe. ;)
My Grandma's pumpkin bread and my other Grandma's banana pudding!! I wait all year for these goodies!!!
My boyfriend's mom's green bean casserole. The secret? Cream of celery soup!
believe it or not, mashed potatoes and a BIG bowl of corn!
I am a gravy fanatic, but only on Thanksgiving. Gravy on everything, please!
Pumpkin ice cream!! :)
deviled eggs, my whole little family loves loves loves them! (my children call them doubled eggs)but I also have a deep relationship with bread and the potato rolls are pretty much awesome!
My mom makes this side dish called "green bean bundles," which is french style beans wrapped in bacon, stuck with a toothpick, and roasted in the oven with a brown sugar butter sauce. Needless to say, no matter how many she makes, there's always a small panic over who gets the last one!
turkey. i love it! :)
my grandma's homemade rolls...and cranberry sauce. yummy!
Sweet potato casserole...I always eat too much. YUM.
Pumpkin pie or our family's own tradition of marshmellow/sour cream fruit salad! We only have either one at Thanksgiving or Christmas.
yams... yams... and more yams!!
thanksgiving leftover sandwich!(cranberry sauce,stuffing,turkey,gravy on potato bread)
lovely giveaway!
happy thanksgiving weekend!
Pie all around. I love it.
I LOVE and crave my bf's aunt's yam and raisin dish, I don't know exactly what it is but I could eat the whole bowl to myself!!!
wow, i've never thought about this, so hard. i'd have to say it's a tie between stuffing and mashed potatoes, mmmmm.
pumpkin pie definitely!
My grandmother's traditional yakisoba! Pan-friend noodles with broccoli, chicken, carrots, and green beans. Absolutely delicious. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
My mom's Million Dollar Dessert {that's what she calls it} mmmm!
I love getting together with the family. Oh AND the food of course!
I am so looking forward to Candied Yams with Cranberries! And spending the day with family of course. ;)
oh i crave the whole thanksgiving day meal! its what i look forward to all year long! :) but if i had to choose just one craving it would be the homemade gravy!!! yumOOOOO!!!
happy thanksgiving to you! xo
Stuffing. Stuffing. and Carrots. But mostly stuffing.
definitely my grandma's dressing...sooooo good! happy turkey day!
Mmmm I'm looking forward to some pumpkin pie!
hands down stuffing.
wonderful giveaway!!!
My Mammie's chocolate chip bars (I don't like pie).
My favorite Thanksgiving food craving is sweet potatoes with marshmallows! Yummm!
My craving would be - turkey bundles the day after thanksgiving and pumpkin bars!
My favorite thanksgiving food is definitely stuffing!! I love it and only have it at Thanksgiving :) Pumpkin pis is a close second!
espedal dot et at gmail dot com
Mmm sweet potatoes with caramelized pecans!
My boyfriends family makes this broccoli cheese and rice casserole that I could live off of. I am so excited to eat a million pounds of it!
definitely PIE. all of it. but mainly pumpkin pie and pecan pie. i always have 2 pieces because i can never decide.
I tend to fill up on the cheese/olive/pickle plate hours before dinner is served. I do, however, reserve a special tummy spot for mashed potatoes and gravy. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
Sweet Potato Pie!!
My mom's filling. YUM!
It's a tie between sweet potato casserole and stuffing!
Sweet potato casserole....excuse while I wipe the drool from my chin!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and thanks so much for such a wonderful giveaway!!
Definitely the left overs! I love having turkey and cranberry sandwiches for the next few days :)
Vegan squash casserole!! And.... mashed potatoes!! Its a tie! :)
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