One of Ruby's birthday gifts was a custom doll from Kellie of The Rice Babies. I got to pick out her hair and eye color and give her some outfit colors and was so happy to see what she put together. Ruby has been quite attached to her since she arrived and loves to point to her nose and give her those adorable open mouth, slobbery kisses that only babies can get away with.

We call her 'Baby Doll'. She came with a lovely cape and a wool backpack that sometimes gets worn by Optimus Prime.

A little bit about the creator of The Rice Babies:
"I am a mom of three sweet little boys, and also a teacher at an art school for children. Most of what goes into my shop is inspired by children and story books. If it's fun and exciting to them, it excites me and ends up in my shop." -Kellie
"I am a mom of three sweet little boys, and also a teacher at an art school for children. Most of what goes into my shop is inspired by children and story books. If it's fun and exciting to them, it excites me and ends up in my shop." -Kellie

Kellie is generously offering a custom doll to one lucky Smile And Wave reader! Leave a comment sharing your favorite childhood toy for a chance to win one from The Rice Babies. I'll keep the giveaway open until the 24th at midnight and announce the winner on Thanksgiving Day.

I had a few baby dolls as a little girl. If I have my story right my granddad knew someone at his bank who had connections and managed to get me a Cabbage Patch kid just in time for Christmas the year they were sold out. I think he has a soft spot for the girls in his life. ;)
1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»:-0 so adorable!! A little girl needs her doll. That's precious. I have one for Delilah from Blabla, and I can't wait to play dolls with her!! She'll get her own Blythe one day, too. hehe
My favorite childhood toy was my gymnast barbie. I took her EVERYWHERE! She's the reason I was able to perfect my braiding skills. She wore pastel overalls with a crayon print.
My favorite toy was a CareBear. Rainbow Bear to be exact. Took it everywhere with me. Even dressed up as it for a couple of halloweens
Beautiful doll! She will cherish it forever and maybe even pass it down to her daughter one day.
My favorite toy was a Rainbow Brite doll with matching zip up house.
She has such big, pretty eyes!
You definitely have beautiful children.
These are just too adorable for words!! I know my Lucy would love one of these so much :)
I don't remember what toys I loved but I know I always had a book with me since I loved to read...dorky? haha maybe...
The dress on Ruby's doll absolutely charms me!
My favorite childhood toy was the speak and spell I received for a birthday one year. I couldn't escape my nerdiness, even as a child!
My favorite thing was a stuffed puppy dog I called Fluppy. I guess it was a mix of floppy and fluffy. I carried that thing around all the time until my little brother took his diaper off and sat on it. That was the end of me and Fluppy.
Oh my! My little girl won't be here for another four months, but I would love to have one of these waiting for her.
I guess I didn't really have a favorite toy, but I sure did love my art supplies! I took a sketchpad, coloring books, crayons, and colored pencils everywhere.
My favorite was a baby doll I named 'She-She' (I was a toddler). I carried her around for years!
Really darling!! I had a Popple as I kid that I carried everywhere by it's tail. Until the tail fell off. I also had a very well-loved Snoopy dog, whose nose I use to chew on. Hmmm... in retrospect, it looks like I was pretty tough on my stuffed toys.
My favorite toy as a child was my doll house that my dad made me for my 4th birthday. I still have it! It's decorated with tiny wall paper, tiny furniture, and little people. I still love it!
I love love this doll! My favorite toy when I was a wee one was a my buddy doll! I even had a professional photography session with him when I was 4! I sure did love my buddy!
She is the cutest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My favorite thing were puff paints....i would paint snail shells wild colors while they were still alive, and release them in my neighbors yards=)
Such a sweet doll. I know this would
be something my little girl loves... She has one baby and 'pat pats' the baby.
My favorite childhood toy was Ivy Nelly. For my 5th birthday my mom took me to Toys R Us for the first time and I got to pick out my gift. She was a cute blonde cabbage patch doll with the cutest glasses and white shoes. Already my love for accessories was in full effect.
My favourite toy was this Barbie (or her sister) that was in a blue tutu. I disrobed almost every single one of my dozens of Barbies, but that dress always stayed on that one. I loved her!
Ruby's doll is so sweet. My favorite childhood toy was my teddy bear, Jolly. I still have him!
suburbansweetheart at suburbansweetheart dot com
She is so sweet! My favorite toy when I was a little girl was my doll and horse. They were both made from this really soft silky fabric and stuffed with what I am convinced is the softest pillow stuffing. I called them "Dolly" and "Horsey". And I still have them :) Toys are special.
Ruby looks adorable with her baby. My favorite childhood toy was a stuffed tiger named Bill. I slept with him until I was 20 years old and got married :)
my fav was a stuffed bunny rabbit named bunny. i still have it and my little lady plays with it now. it's lost it's fuzzy tail and is quite loved looking, but it's special to see it being loved on once again. :)
Thirty something years on I still have my Pedigree teddy - he's not so pretty but he reminds me of my childhood so he sits in my lounge hehe
a scruffy teddy bear named ted i still have him
My favorite childhood toy was a ceramic doll that my Grandmother made herself. It had a soft body, but ceramic hands, feet and head. I remember pulling it out of the box on Christmas morning when I was 7 and it felt as big as I was! She was wearing a pretty white eyelet dress and I loved playing with her...very gently of course. Funny that I don't remember giving her a name...
My favorite childhood toy was a white bear dressed in a pink sailor outfit named Marda bear. I carried here everywhere, and put her in bed next to me every night.
She still sits on my dresser to this day.
so adorable!!!!
my favorite toy was my stuffed bear named chippy. i got him for christmas when i was 8, and he hasn't left my bed since. (well, except for last semester of school when people in my dorm kept sitting on him)
*LOVE* this doll. so hoping that this baby (pregnant with my first) is a girl - i would love to have a doll like this for my baby!!!
my favorite toy as a kid was my cabbage patch doll. she looked just like me. i asked santa for her one year (when they were in really high demand and couldn't be found anywhere) and there she was Christmas day. this was a big deal, i now understand, because money was very tight for my parents and they were not cheap dolls. i still have her somewhere in my box from my childhood. <3
Oh that is so precious!
My favorite childhood toys were a train set and my American Girl dolls. I know, opposite ends of the spectrum there.
a stuffed basset hound, I wish I had kept him, I have two daughters that would love this rice baby!
my favorite toy was a teddy bear named Teddy :)
purplebutterflyyy at gmail dot com
My favorite toy was a little stuffed kitty cat that I rubbed so much that all of the hair is now gone. The stuffing also came out when I was little so my mom re-stuffed it with a nylon. When I got married, I carried a piece of my "meowy" in my boquet.
Ruby is so cute with her rice doll. I loved legos as a kid. I would make huge houses out of them.
My favorite was a pink monkey dressed in a pink checkered dress (think Monchichi). I still have her and now she belongs to my daughter.
tee (at) thatsitmommy dot com
My most favorite toy ever was my monchichi dolls! I guess only the imagination of a child could really make those fun, but I loved that it had a little bib and funky finger/thumb/bottle/whatever! I hope they will come around again for my lil girl!
So sweet! My favorite childhood toys were the ones that my brother would play with too: ninja turtles, the creepy crawler baker and matchbox cars were our favorites. We would even play "house" with the cars and micro machines would be the baby cars!
That doll is precious. I'd love to win one for my 6-month old niece, Rosalyn.
Most of my childhood memories involve playing with my brother and his cars. I remember thinking he always got the best toys. I kept getting dolls that cried.
Oh how sweet! I have to say my favorite childhood toys were my cabbage patch kids. I had a gingerkid one and loved it to death! When my mom's ex-husband threw it away I remember crying for days.
This doll is absolutely precious! I will never forget waking up on Christmas morning as a child to hear Teddy Ruxpin (teddy bear) talking and running into the living room to see him. I loved him for years. :)
My favorite toy as a child was my doll that I named, Ashley. She had a pink cloth body with plastic head, arms and legs. She was perfect and I took her every where! I would love to give this rice baby to my niece or save it for my own future baby girl! Thanks!
She (Ruby AND baby doll, while we're at it) is soooo freaking adorable! And what an adorable giveaway!
My favorite toy as a child were Polly Pockets--when they could actually fit in your pocket! As well as Barbie dolls, of course (even the Ariel Barbie that my sister gave a bob hair cut)!
incredibly ADORABLE. She's gonna cherish her first dolly.
My favourite childhood toy was actually chalk. I loved to draw and create on our sidewalks. That's what came to mind first :)
So cute! My favorite childhood toy was a baby doll my mom crocheted for me. Each of us three girls had one, and my mom made bunches of little outfits for them. :-)
She's too cute!
Oh, I'd love to win this doll for my little niece... I so adore her but only rarely see her - would be a nice treat the next time we meet. :-)
i am loving reading these! my fave were my strawberry shortcake dolls!
My favourite toy was 'Bello', a small multicoloured stripet 'dog' with a bell in its belly. I could not sleep without it, and my dad had to sometimes drive back to whoever we had visited to collect the forgotten Bello, or I would cry myself to sleep.
I still have Bello, she is sitting next to my bed, and sometimes my daughters play with her.
I love the doll!! And my daughters would love her too ;-)
That's a really adorable toy !!
My favourite cildhood toy was a little duck. I used to play with it most of the time and I've just recentlly trew it. My mum said we couldn't keep it any longer..
So cute! I think my little niece would love one for christmas! :-)
How cute. My favorite toy or toys were legos. I loved creating things with them. I wasn't much of a girly-girl myself and I didn't much like dolls.
My favorite childhood toy was a huge stuffed teenage mutant ninja turtle. I took him with me everywhere!
That is such a lovely doll. I think Ruby has amazing taste, having that beautiful doll as her new favourite.
Ruby's attachment reminds me of a Pinnochio doll I "aquired" when I was about 1-2. It was at the local markets I picked it up and carried it home. Then my parents had to run back and pay for it. :)
It was a weird looking doll, I don't remember it having arms or legs just a hard plastic head and a body that was soft cotton.
I was completely attached to my Paddington Bear. In first grade I was too embarrassed to bring him to teddy bear day because he was so worn out, but my quick thinking mom convinced me that was just because he was loved so much;)
You have no idea how timely this is. I was just discussing with my husband last night about some of my favorite childhood toys. I think my favorite childhood toy was my American Girl doll. I had Molly the one with glasses and she was so rad. I had so many of her accessories, and I kept them neat and folded in a chest at the end of my bed. Oh how I loved her and hope one day to give her to my own daughter.
This giveaway is lovely, and that doll is adorable. Thank you both.
I loved baby dolls growing up! My favorite was my cabbage patch kid. I recently learned my mom was out at about 4am on Black Friday to get her for me.
my favourite toy as a child has to be the old style polly pocket. I would love to start a little collection soon.
Cute doll <3
My favorite is a teddy bear called bee-ar :)
mine was a doll named "jule" my mama made for me. she kinda looked like these cute dolls!
love them! would make the perfect gift for my best mates baby that arrives here next month! :)
That is really's so cute when babies give kisses. :) My fave childhood toy would have to be my brown teddy bear...he had a striped shirt & red cap covering one was past his time when we threw him out...I can remember trying to sew him up & trying to repair his torn cap & shirt but the "surgery" was a failure. :)
My aunt somehow managed to get Cabbage Patch Kids the same year for me, my twin sister, and my cousins! I don't mean to imply that she did anything shady for them, but I remember the story of what she had to go through was quite complicated. I still have my Cabbage Patch Kid!
As a kid I was inseparable from my Monchichi doll. I took it everywhere, and it shows -- it is so awesomely floppy and ratty today. I'll never give it up!
What a blessing to have four generations! My grandmother is still with us & I treasure her time with my kids.
I know I had plenty of toys when I was little, but my absolute favorite thing was a book I still have called Who's Got the Apple. Everyone I could talk into read it to me & it went with me everywhere.
For Christmas when I was five my mom made me a doll; long blonde hair and blue eyes like mine. I still have it. :)
My favorite thing used to be my blankie haha I carried that thing everywhere until it fell into pieces :)
Oh, if only had a child to share that lovely thing with. Thanks for sharing! I'll bookmark it for the long-term future!!
oh, too cute! my favorite childhood toy was probably my legos or my little people. :)
My cabbage patch doll was always on my hip growing up! I still can't part with her either! She's in my closet now just waiting for a little girl to come along to play with her!
I would love to win one! As a child I collected pigs. Stuffed animals, figurines, clothes with pigs on them. I still have some of my favorite stuffed animal pigs for my little boy to play with! Brings back good memories.
My favorite was a giggle box doll. You pull her arms back and she would giggle.
oh, so sweet! My daughter still hasn't taken a liking to dolls, but I'm seriously crossing my fingers. Having two older brothers doesn't help!
My favorite toy was a Fisher Price safari set. My mom saved it, and now my sons have just begun playing with it- so fun!
My favourite toy was my little brother's toy garage. You could bring the cars up to the top in a lift and then send them down the slide, endless hours of fun.
Thanks for reminding me:)
oh, my daughter is turning 1 next week and i would love to have one of these sweet dolls to give her. my favorite toy was a baby doll. it was one of those bald, hard plastic ones. my grandpa would draw on it-eyelashes, hair, lipstick-i loved that. she didn't have a name though-just "baby".
My favourite toy when I was little was "Soepheli" (we're swiss) who had a hard plastic head and hard plastic arms and legs, but a soft pillowy body. I was born really sick and tiny, and my Mom bought "Soepheli" for me because she was the same size as me when I was born. I loved her.
Those dolls are adorable, the last photo made me tear sweet! My favorite toy when I was a kid were my Strawberry Shortcake collection, I still have them and they still smell like strawberries! Thanks for that chance, have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
My favorite childhood toy was a tiny little doll I named Tina. I think the doll was a Little Kiddle. Anyways I made her a dress from part of a Strawberry Shortcake sock.
I still have the doll! I've kept her in my jewelry box all these years.
My little girl Loreli just got her first baby doll for her first birthday. but there is a 100% chance it is not nearly as cute as Ruby's.
My favorite toy when i was little was my dad's old briefcase. I totally thought i was the bomb because i could keep my important documents, aka my drawings, coloring books, and crayons in a place that you had to have a code to open. Now I realize that everyone knew the 3 digit code to get in, dad's birthday, but when you are 5 that doesn't dawn on you.
i have a puff the magic dragon- that i've had since i was born. you wind him up and it chimes the puff theme. it's now sitting in my daughter's crib. :) (and the music still plays 23 years later..)
Too cute!! :)
Too cute!
My favourite toy was a doll my mom had has a little girl. Her name was Stacey and she wasl already a little tattered when I started to play with her. I took her everywhere. My mom still has her and its so neat to see my neice start to play with her too!
Ruby's doll is precious. My, soon to be two year old daughter, would love one for her birthday right after Christmas! My favorite toy was also a cabbage patch doll - the real one! My parents were so smart and bought my sister and I the "twin dolls", one for each of us, so we wouldn't fight over who had the better doll since they were identical!
what a lovely post,Ruby is so cute.
My favourite toy was a bear which my mother was given by a boyfriend whn she was a teenager. I am guessing that bear was quite old when I had him. I named him Tinker.
So so adorable, I would love one of those cute baby dolls for my little baby girl Charlotte. That would be her first doll too!
My favorite childhood toy was my doll. I called her yaya.
i must have one.
my favroite was my cabbage patch dolls. My grandma saw them in the store, shelves and shelves. It was right before the major run on them started. She was sitting on the floor surrounded by 5 dolls, trying to decide which one to get. I named her Betty Lou.
My favorite toy when I was little was also a baby doll. Her name was "Dolly" and she had no neck by the time I was four because her neck was always in the crook of my arm. I still have her. She was made of all clothe and had yarn hair. Your modern baby doll made me smile and think of my dear ole toy. I hope I can win so I can save the new baby doll for my future baby girl!
I loved my American Girl doll! I got her the year my parents broke the news that they were
My favorite was my teddy bear! Until I rubbed off all of its fur and my mom took it away!
Love it!
Rainbow brite for me ;)
Hey thanks for the giveaway.. i'll try some luck!
i couldnt stop playing mini-pony with my dad as a kid, we had a big pink castle and all of them playing inside.
I love love love these dolls - Ruby is a lucky girl :)
My favorite toys when I was very young were my fahm (farm haha!)and my little pink dollhouse and all the tiny toys and things that called it home. Also, I still sleep with Mr. Bear ;)
my favourite childhood toy was a bear with a plaid hat. we called him sherlock. he still lives in my bed (although the hat is long gone..)
how cute! i like that you can personalize it.. :) my fave childhood thing was an american girl doll.. that i chopped the hair off and constructed many outfits for. hah!
i don't think i had a favorite toy...maybe my stuffed "big bird". but i do know i ALWAYS had my little red cowboy boots on. those were probably my favorite thing ever. i would wear them everywhere.
cute doll!
That is absolutely adorable! I love that it is handmade and not another typical toy off the shelf!
My favorite childhood toys were definitely Cabbage Patch Kids. I remember getting 2 in one Christmas--seriously exciting. My smile was big when I opened the first and then when I opened the second--I freaked out! I still have them all.
So Sweet!!
My barbies all got mutilated by my brother, so i held on tight to my Duchess doll from the Aristocats movie. She was lovely and had a sparkly collar!
So super sweet!
Favorite childhood toy was a Barbie wedding set my grandparents gave my sisters and I one Christmas. We spent hours in our attic playing with those dolls! Great memories!
My favorite toys were the Littlest Pet Shop toys. Do you remember them? I loved playing with them. And Polly Pocket too!
Oh my stars! That is beyond generous! I have a bear [I'm 20 something with a toddler and a baby on the way!] that I have had since I was 2! She has gone EVERYWHERE with me. My husband told me that when we got married she couldn't be in our room, lol. Now my daughter plays with her :]
My fav was baby dear for sure,most likely before your time, so soft and pretty, and of course Malibu Barbie and Skipper what a pair they were with their every day tans! Baby dolls are where it's at though!
I know a little girl that would fall in love with a doll like your Rubys!
I love that doll! It's so original, it's the perfect doll to keep and pass on.
My favorite toy was a lot less original...I was a huge tomboy, so you wouldn't find me anywhere without my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Raphael :)
So sweet! I love that little dolly.
My favorite toy when I was little was a strawberry shortcake doll. I took her everywhere. I still have her, but my daughter isn't too impressed with her.
I remember I was so furious when my uncle cut one of her big toes off with his pocket knife. I always kept a bandaid on her toe after that.
Awww those are too sweet!
My favorite toy were the "littlest pet shops" the ORIGINAL ones, any one remember those??? i had a TON!!!
What a perfect little doll!
I loved baby dolls growing up. I was always a little mommy. I had one doll that looked very lifelike and would shiver when it was cold. This doll taught me how to swaddle (which came in handy 8 months ago!!). She was probably my favorite toy.
That doll is so so cute! I think my favorite toy was my Barbie. My parents wouldn't buy me the premade dresses but my mom taught me basic sewing skills so I could make my own clothes for her :)
fav childhood talking teddy ruxpin doll! he was the best. you put little cassette tapes in his back and he talked to you and read along to books. <3
I loved my barbies and would make clothes for them. Unfortunately, the only fabric I had was striped, so they always looked like prisoners.
this is precious! my fave was a cabbage patch doll :)
I lived in a smaller town so finding the big name toys like Care Bears or My little ponies and such was rare. I remember getting my first Cabbage Patch doll my mom had looked everywhere for. It was a blonde yarn haired doll with piggy tails. She was waiting under the tree for me along with matching pjs for her and I. I must say she was one of my favorites as a kid. That and all of my art supplies.
my favorite childhood toy was actually baby dolls. I would keep the little baby doll crib next to my bed and pretend to wake up when I heard them crying. My mom had saved all of them, so now my little girl plays with the same dolls I did as a kid. There is nothing better.
Oh my gosh, that doll is beyond sweet. I know for a fact that my little niece would absolutely go crazy for one. :)
My favorite childhood toy was probably Lite-Bright. Illuminated art...what's better? :)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
SO sweet.
My favourite childhood toy was one I shared with my sisters. We had a set of Fisher Price phones, that actually worked between rooms. We loved them so much!
i had this baby doll named Peggy Sue. At 1 she was pretty much the same size as me but I carried her everywhere. When I was a bit older, my mom taught me the Buddy Holly song and I would sing it all the time to my doll! Over time Peggy Sue had multiple "surgeries" and when I passed her on to my daughter I realized her arms and legs have been sewn back together SOOOO many times!!!
Too presh... I think my favorite childhood toy was my tiny Popple, she was purple and in my stocking on my 4th Christmas. Poor dear was lost a couple of years ago when my Mister and I purchased our first depressing!
cute! would be perfect for my niece for christmas!
my favorite childhood toy growing up was a little baby doll i named joseph. i took him with me everywhere.
a favorite toy? coming from a family of four girls and every "girly" toy imaginable I cherished the blue truck with really big wheels on it someone surprised me with when I was about four. Barbie sure looked better riding in that truck...
ohh so cute! i played with a little brownie doll as a child and now my daughter plays with it!
These dolls are GORGEOUS! Although I would be tempted to keep it for myself... I would love to give this to my niece!
My grandma made me a whole set of carebears as a kid and I have loved them ever since!
I had a hard plastic doll called Elsa... she was and still is my favorite.
Cute! Your Ruby shares a birthday with my Gigi, who also turned 1 on November 7th. Happy belated birthday, sweet Ruby!
My favorite toy was a stuffed monkey I named Bradley, because my parents bought it for me at Bradlees, this old department store in the 70's. Funny thing is that presently, Gigi's favorite toy is also a stuffed monkey. We've named it "Ooo Ooo Ah Ah".
Gosh those pictures of Ruby and her baby doll couldn't be any cuter! My favorite toy was my Raggedy Ann doll. She had a wind-up music box in her back and I loved the little "I love you" heart painted on her chest. I slept with her for years!
I loved my cabbage patch doll, her name was Jilly. I also adored my littest pet shop, which were way cuter when I was a kid than they are now.
I would love to be able to give my niece her first dolly this holiday. :)
My favorite childhood toy was a handmade clown doll (named Peter Pointy Head) made by a nun that my dad bought the day I was born in the hospital gift shop. It has so much sentimental value to me and I am handing it down to my own daughter.
My daughters would LOVE one of these precious dolls!
My favorite toy when I was little? Hmmm. I was a child of the 80s, so I would have to say that my favorite toy was my Alvin and the Chipmunks Tour Bus Play Set. It turned into a stage, and I had many many traveling concerts with it. *sigh* Good times:)
One of my most treasured possessions as a child was my Holly Hobby doll. This doll is so sweet, and I have two little girls who would love her!
How adorable!
I had a few favorites but the one that stands out was my doll Spring. She looked just like me at the time and I have a picture of myself brushing her hair, which is funny because I'm now a cosmetologist!
I still have my favorite :) It's a small brown teddy bear that my little sister gave me when I was super sick as a kid. I wouldn't go to sleep without that bear for YEARS. Now my daughter likes carrying it around :)
love it!
my favorite doll as a child was this odd gray animal named funky. i am still not sure what type of animal he was supposed to be - his tag said "i'm not a bird. i'm not a monkey. gimme a hug. i'm a funky." i brought that guy with me everywhere!!!
I had way too many toys as a kid... Some of my favorites:
-a dinosaur that was connected to a controller. You could make it walk, make its eyes light up, and make it roar.
-Cabbage Patch doll. My dad rescued it from an unfortunate fate. We sewed her up where she was torn, washed her face, and restyled her hair. I named her Sally. She's still kickin' around somewhere...
-My brother's legos, hot wheels, and WWF action figures (when he wasn't home, of course!)
-We had A Mr. Spell for a while. After he died, my grandma sent us a speak and spell. We would try and make it curse. LOL
my favorite childhood toy was a baby doll my aunt bought me at the hospital the day I was born. I still have her, even though her eyes don't roll open like they should anymore... and her clothes are all ripped up because they're sewn onto her cloth body.
still, I think having baby dolls is what makes me REALLY WANT KIDS, because I loved taking care of them.
My favorite toys were my cabbage patch doll and my large pound puppy brand cat.
So cute! My favorite was a little cloth doll my Grandma gave me. She had blonde yarn pig tails and a little denim dress. Her name was "Happy".
the doll is absolutely adorable. when i was young, the american girl dolls were my thing. i had two of them, but was always jealous of my friend who owned all of them and ALL the accessories!
oh, that dolly is so sweet! my daughter would love one just like it.
my favorite toy growing up was a holly hobby doll. i slept with her every single night and luckily my mom kept her so my daughter can love on her, too.
My baby girl just discovered dolls! She would be a very happy winner!
I've had my eyes on her shop! The dolls are absolutely adorable. My favorite toy as a kid was a fisher price baby doll. I have a picture of me opening it up on my first birthday. Luckily it has survived my childhood and after lots of scrubbing, my daughter carries it around everywhere. It actually may be time to add a new dolly into the rotations.
Adorable doll! My favorite toy as a girl was a light bright. I loved making pictures & turning off the lights to see what I had created. It kept me busy for hours & was completely magical to me.
the doll is beautiful and your baby is adorable! My favorite toy was and is a stuffed puppy dog that I called Lichin, I used to sleep with him all the time. I still have it even after moving from Venezuela to the US and I plan to give it to my 6 month old baby!!!
I played with Barbies until I was 13. :)
How cute! I loved dolls when I was little, I had an amazing doll house/mansion my great grandpa made for me! I would decorate it for all the different holidays and even put lights on it for Christmas! It was the coolest doll house ever!
oh wow love that doll!
my fav childhood toy was a homemade cabbage patch(type) doll my grandmother made they were soft faced beautiful dolls... she was poor so those were her gifts to us girls in the family when we were lil...
Adorable! I remember really loving these stuffed bunnies my mom would bring out for me at easter.
My favorite toys when I was a kid were My Little Ponies and my cabbage patch.
What a cute giveaway. My 14 month old would love this little doll!
It's worth a shot! My favorite toys were my Sylvania animals. And my best friend's doll house. She had THE BEST doll house I've ever seen.
My favorite childhood toy was my babydoll!
Her name was Bobby. One time I lost Bobby's shoe at the zoo and my dad searched and searched until he found it. Bobby was also left in FAO Schwartz and my dad got them to let him back in after closing so he could find her for me. Bobby was misplaced, so I got a replacement Bobby, soon after which I found the original! So I had a girl Bobby and a boy Bobby.
oh so cute!! my soon to be baby girl would LOOOVE that. i already know.
my fav childhood toy probably has to be any type of barbie. i had all sorts. probably too many. but i loved dressing them and their super tiny high heels!
This would be the perfect gift for my first daughter's (after 3 boys)first Christmas. I think that first Christmas should have something extra special. My favorite toy I received was a stuffed dog my parents gave me for my first Christmas. I still have him and a story of how I crawled around and around him on Christmas morning. Both are priceless to me.
Cute dolls!
My favorite toy was a pound puppy named Buster!!
So weird, was just thinking about this memory this morning as I shopped for my neice. "What did I love to play with when I was little?" And I recalled that a lot of toys were boring because you could only "pretend" for a while. But I did love art supplies. Dad used to bring home huge file envelopes of scrap paper, haha.
Am thinking one of these baby dolls could be the ticket for neicey!
yay! I love the Rice babies--recently got the most beautiful crown for my baby girl's 2nd birthday from her!
My fav. childhood toy was a little Teddy Bear named Rupert...I don't even know how that name came to be, but he had 'surgery' many, many times :)
Sarah M
My favorite childhood toy was a miniature grocery store that my Oma had shipped over from Germany. We had that instead of a dollhouse and it was great fun!
Too cute!
My favorite childhood toy was a big, white stuffed bear from Bloomingdale's. It's had about a half-dozen names over the years and is very well-loved. Now it's been passed down to my little man. :)
I had a little clown doll that I loved. This giveaway would be great for my baby Vintage's first doll.
Ruby is adorable and so is that doll! I had a cabbage patch too. My momma searched and searched till she found one with red hair. Her name was Jill and she had the same birthday as my grandma. I still have her! the best part was all of the homemade outfits my aunt opal made her.
My favorite toy was a big (I mean huge, bigger than me) pink teddy bear named Pammy. Pammy was my confidnet and I loved her.
Ruby is SO PRECIOUS! look at her long eye lashes! she is one fancy one year old! happy holidays rachel!
My favorite toy was my Cabbage Patch Doll named Gracie!
How sweet! My favorite toy growing up was a Baby Doll - his name was "Matt." I think he was from Pamida or something from my Grandmother - so nothing near as sweet as Ruby's Baby Doll, but still, my favorite!
I had this HUGE pink ball that I got from a ball factory - I even slept with this monster in my bed at night! It was my favorite thing in the world.
Mine was a doll as well. Her name was "Baby Doll" she was the type with the hard plastic head, arms, and legs and cloth body. I still have her.
My favorite childhood toy was my Madeline doll. Her little appendectomy scar made me feel better when I got mine out.
I really loved this little homemade doll that my aunt made. She had a bonnet and blonde yarn hair. She had two sides, on one side she was awake and the other her eyes were closed. My mom still has in at her house for my daughter and her cousins to play with.
i loved loved my baby dolls growing up. that and my grandma's "junk" drawer. my brothers and i used to make doll house furniture with everything in that drawer. pure bliss.
Love the baby doll, I am glad Ruby likes it. my fav toy was a baby beans, you pulled her string and she talked. I still have it in my cedar chest with my sons baby stuff.
Gorgeous gorgeous dolly..... I want one for myself and I'm 28!!! Hahaha!
But if I could get one for my gorgeous daughter Ella she would just love a first doll for Christmas!!!! She's a few months younger than your beautiful girl....
Anyway my favourite toy when I was young was a little peg dolly on a stick who jumped out of a fabric cone thing.... like a jack in the box type thing only red polka dot fabric!!! My first pink teddy comes a close second!! I still have her!
so cute. mine was a cabbage patch doll named nan. i hated the name, but loved the doll to pieces.
My favorite gift was when I received the Crystal Castle from She-Ra. I was in heaven.
by far i LOVED strawberry shortcake! i even found my old collection in my parent's attic recently and now my 3 little girls (ages 3, 2, 8mo) are able to play with them. :)
anybody remember my buddy and kid sister? They had a catchy song on the commercial, " wherever I go, she goes" yeah I looooved my kid sister!
What a darling doll, and a darling little Mommy! I also was able to get a cabbage patch doll the year they were sold out - from Santa (I later learned that my parents bought it out of the trunk of some shady guy's car). I remember that her name was Olivia, and I loved her. My parents are moving soon and found her when cleaning out the basement. She's on her way here now for my little girl to love.
I had stuffed dinosaurs of Littlefoot and Cera from the Land Before Time that I was ADDICTED to. They were amazing.
I just wanted to tell you how crazy it is that MY nana got me a Cabbage Patch Kid through one of her friends at work, that same year they were completely out of stock and not available! That's too funny! But we were born in the same year, so it kinda fits, right? Still, I remember that story so vividly, because I was so excited and felt so special to have gotten one. My favorite childhood toy was definitely that Cabbage Patch Kid...and I still have her :)
And I ADORE Ruby's doll. She is such a beautiful baby girl. I'm expecting my second child, our second son, in two short weeks. Ezra Atticus. I wish I could give HIM the doll!
So stinkin' cute! I love the dolls hair - so adorable.
My favorite toy when I was little was my aunts dollhouse. My great-grandmother made it all for her by hand including the dolls and food. It was so magical! I still think about it today and plan on making one for my little beans. So lovely. :)
I love how I can see Ruby's picture right next to your picture on the right sidebar. Her eyes looks so much like yours. What a cute mama and baby pair you are!
Adorable! My favorite childhood toy was Barbie. And I'm happy to say that my daughter now plays with them regularly. You'll find several New Kids on The Block dolls and Micheal Jackson in her dollhouse. I try to keep my vintage MJ doll on the ode to my favorite childhood movie - The Goonies.
Awwwwh so so pretty!! i love dolls with accessories! I used to have a doll like this with a bag for crayons :) Though I think my favorite childhood toy was parachute soldiers... I grew up with two brothers so having their hand-me-down toys really did contribute to my tomboy-ness!
My favorite toy was "the monkey that hugs me." It was great.
What a lovely doll!!!
I loved barbie dolls.
I would always make them clothes out of fabric scraps from my mom's sewing.
My favorite doll was a Fisher Price doll that I named Baby Anne. She had wild blond hair that I spent countless hours trying to tame with water and a comb-to no avail. I loved her anyway.
I have pasted Anne on to my daughter Annie (I guess the name really stuck) and now she is loving her. It just goes to show what an impact a special toy can have on your life..and potentially the lives of your children.
my favorite childhood toy was my crayola marker set
what an adorable doll! my favorite toy was a stuffed monkey wearing a gingham dress (which I still have). she's retired to a shelf now, but still my fave!
my favourite doll was my "teary deary" - she could "drink" and would then need to be changed...perfect for a little girl who knew she would make a great mommy .. one day!
My drooling, adorable, 6 month old granddaughter Brynne would absolutely love one of these dolls!
My favorite childhood toy was definitely a wooden rocking horse that my uncle handmade for me. I still have it, and I'm saving it for my children someday :)
My favorite toy was my teddy bear, Ryan. I still have him to this day and don't think I will ever outgrow him! It's amazing what comfort a bear/doll/toy can bring!
Believe it or not I have one of the first cabbage patch kids ever made. She was a gift from my grandmother when I was three. Since then she has survived both my girls and hopefully will be passed on someday;} Thanks for the awsome giveaway!
ruby's baby doll
is adorable!
my fave toy when i was
little was probably my
gerber baby doll. she
looked so real! i was crazy about
her! what a great give-away!
THESE are soooo cute! My favorite was a handmade African doll from a newly migrated woman down the street. I still have the doll to give to my girl someday!
my favorite childhood toy was my cabbage doll named mindy. i got her on my first birthday and i still have her twenty four years later. she's not quite the same doll as she was back then, but i guess you could expect that after she's been in the bathtub, snow, made mud pies, and painted with me!
I think your granddad is extremely proud of the girls in his life. We saw him yesterday at lunch and he just bragged and bragged about you and Ruby. Glad you guys got to spend some time with them. Hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving!
My favorite doll was my Dolly Sucking Hair (long story). I still have her, she looks really creepy now and freaks my husband out...I love her. I really wanted to get my Ruby a custom doll for her birthday this January so this would be perfect!
a baby doll..and when my sister decided to chop her hair, i still loved that doll :)
What an amazing first doll.
My very favorite childhood doll was Mr Ugly bear. I still have him. My mom says I called him Mr Huggly bear at first and it turned into Ugly Bear. Gotta love kids. I still have him. He is a koala bear and has one eye. He is on a shelf in my sons room. Jackson now has a sable dog. This one is just precious for Ruby.
My daughter is the same age as Ruby...and her name is RUBY!!!! She just loves baby's, and would really love one of these. I also loved a good baby-doll when I was a kid. What little girl doesn't
i loved my little ponies! :) such bright colors and who doesn't love ponies?
When i was 7 my mom got me the babydoll i wanted so badly, but that's not what i remember about that christmas; it was the boxes and boxes of clothes my mother had hand sewn perfect for that doll. She must have been sewing at night for weeks. :) I loved on that doll for years, and she was always in fashion for a "newborn" !!
BabyDoll's purple poncho is fierce!
I only had 1 doll growing up and it was a cabbage patch too. She had long red braids and I changed her name from Bianca to Allison. 25 years later my daughter now plays with her.
I LOVED my stuffed Big Bird animal!
These dolls are amazing!
Strawberry shortcake doll and friends, I took them everywhere. :D
I just love this little doll and know my 12 month old would also. One of my favorite toys growing up was a fisher price doll house that came with tons of accessories. Luckily I came across this in my moms attic a couple of years ago in great shape. My son has spent many hours playing with it. I would love to give this to my daughter. KeLly www.thegishfamily.blogspot
Oh I just love these dolls and would love to have one for my daugther.
My favorite toy as a child was my teddy bear. My parents bought him for me in London and I took him everywhere. I still have him :-)
My favorite was definitely my Fisher Price Little People and doll house from the Mid 80s. Now my 4 year old daughter plays with them.
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