The lovely Mandi of Here's Lookin' At Me Kid just wrapped up a feature called Catching Confetti that included New Year's Resolutions from a few of her friends. I was more than happy to be able to contribute an encouragement/challenge of sorts and a few small ways to make it happen. Read the full post here and then don't miss all of the other great posts that ran that week! Thanks for the invitation, Mandi!

The lovely Katie of Skunkboy Creatures had her baby girl this week! Congratulations Shelton family!!! I'm so looking forward to meeting little Poesy in person! Another local mama friend, Janae, had her little boy recently and soon my new favorite neighbor will be in the home stretch! Babies, babies, everywhere! It's enough to get a girl pregnant!
Elsie, Emma, and their new fashion intern, Mallory, are in the throws of dress making this month! Elsie's first collection will debut sometime this Spring and I'm SO eager to see a few of the samples later this week!
Elsie, Emma, and their new fashion intern, Mallory, are in the throws of dress making this month! Elsie's first collection will debut sometime this Spring and I'm SO eager to see a few of the samples later this week!
That's all folks! At least all I can remember. (I hope to regain the super power of memory in a few years when eight hours of uninterrupted sleep is probable.) Thursday is for studio cleaning, a guest post DIY, and plenty of time with the kids while Brett is at class. We may even build a snow man.
Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow!
Man. I must have hit the blogging big time... links from 2 of my favorite blogs in 2 days!
thank you :)
umm kind of obsessed with everything they are wearing on their heads.
Wow! So many babies! Now I want one...can I put in an order for a girl? Hmm I just want to dress her up cute as a button! Fingers crossed! xx
I blogged about the baby craze too! Lots of my friends are either new parents or expecting.. but i'm definitely not ready for one yet!
Aww, your post on Here's Looking at Me Kid was so inspiring. Just what I needed to here. :) And I totally know what you mean about setting up shop on the dining room table- then getting a room of your own. I'm settling into my own *studio* this week, after dominating a corner of the living room for two years. My husband says he's sick of getting thread and fabric scraps stuck to his feet. My plan worked. ;)
i have noticed that ladies have been getting preggers left and right! it's definitely making it harder for me to wait (until we have full insurance)!
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