Ruby is suddenly such a spirited little thing. She knows how to ask for what she wants either using the sign language we've taught her, some sounds that have become consistent enough for me to know what she means, or lots of pointing and patting. She's very expressive.

Recently she's insisted on feeding herself. I haven't had her high chair in use for a few weeks because it's so bulky and we have a petite little section of our family room designated for the dining table. In fact, I felt like Ashley Campbell and I were living in a parallel universe on this front when I read this recent post. Instead, she's adopted this little chair to sit in and make a mess...I mean, enjoy her meals.

I got too close.

She showed me how she can use her little chair to climb onto the big chair to climb onto the table. Yes, the table. Where we eat food. And have coffee cups that tip over onto important papers and such. (Don't worry, Brett was standing just to the left of this photo.) Doesn't she look so pleased with herself.

She's always checking to make sure her belly button is still in place and wants to see everyone else's too. Watch out if you come over to my house!

Her hair is slowly but surely making an appearance in the back but I don't think I'll need to worry about barrettes any time soon.

That little boy that isn't as little as he used to be has rediscovered his love for Thomas lately and was so proud when he put this puzzle together all by himself this week. I asked him if I could take a picture while he was putting it together and he was fine with that. He came and got me when he'd finished so I could take another picture. Heart swell.

He's quite the affectionate little man and loves to bear hug his sister. They were watching Elmo the other day and I came back in from the kitchen to see he had moved from the couch onto the floor to hug her. Heart swell!

You are such a good mom and have beautiful children! I love seeing all your posts about your kiddos and all the great adventures you have. xo.
You have such beautiful kids!
Super cute kids! I love her faces, they're so expressive. And yes, sometimes we do need a little reminder to make good choices....
aww i really enjoyed reading this post! makes me really excited to be a mommy :)
Your children wear the most adorable outfits :)
I love it when kiddos start getting their strong personalities! It's my favorite. :)
Sweet little ones! I have so many posts on my blog about the mischief my 18 month old gets into. She is a climber too and also likes to eat dinner standing up (I also read Ashley's post earlier!) but I still tie her into her high chair if possible, ha!
This is such a sweet post, Rachel! You are such a great mama and have the most adorable family!
So sweet! Your family are beautiful!
Such beautiful children.
Don't worry about lil'red and her hair. I never had any until I was three!
Mum used to stick bows to my head with sticky tape.....which probably explains why I had no hair. Any signs of it were ripped off.
Poor Mum....she meant well.
We all need help making good choices sometimes....including mamas :)
beautiful post x
Ruby is SUCH a lovely girl !
Also a heart swell on this site of the computer screen. The belly button thing is so cute. Wonderful post Rachel !
i just smiled and nodded as i read your post today :) my daughter is 15 months old now and she does exactly the same! your babies are adorable!
bundled up kids are the cutest...love their winter-wear.
I am not a momma, but I love to read your posts on your babies. You're so creative with them and such an inspiration. Hope I'll have that ingenuity one day!
Hey Rachael, I always enjoy reading your blog. I met you a while back at the previous Red Velvet location. I thought about you when I saw the new "ReMarthable" contest on Marthastewart.com. You should enter one of your crafty creations, you could win a new BMW suv and get to be on her show. Let Elsie know too! If you win you can take me for a spin here in Springfield. ; )
i say this all the time, but you are such a good mom- when the time comes you better be ready to teach me everything you know!!!
your kids are growing up beautifully. it's amazing to watch, photo by photo, post by post! and a package is on the way to them. should be there by monday!
happy friday!
my first little girl who is now three was shiny bald until almost two. they keep telling me if she had hair it would just take away from her beautiful face. your little one is adorable!
Awww - what great kiddos!! Ella has not yet learned she can climb (as I knock on wood!) but certainly holds a badge in belly button policing - she was super confused about my brother's belly button b/c of of his chest hair - ha! Seeing your posts on S are like little glimpses into ages&stages to come...so very exciting!!
Oh, Rachel--I love this post! What a sweet little capture of "right now." Your children are beautiful. Like their momma!
that girls eyebrows cracks me up (the second picture) she is too cute!!!
I am Deaf and when I read that hearing parents teach their hearing children sign language it makes me happy!
Keep it up and you have beautiful children.
The last photo is so cute! :)
i loved this post! you really are such a great momma. and, i have been reading about teaching sign language to babies. my little lady is only 4 1/2 months old, but i was wondering if you have any advice or suggestions??
I loved reading this sweet post (and I am totally jealous of those frog rainboots)!
You are such a blessed woman with the cutest little family, I really enjoyed reading this post. My fave was the pic of Ruby on the table...too funny!
My little Whitney was bald until she was 2 and now has luscious long hair at 9. It took a bit to let the baby fine hair grow out and get cut before the "real hair" was in place. She proudly says whenever someone compliments her hair "yeah and I was bald until I was 2." I think it makes them seem like a baby longer which I LOVE. I think you might have a little wild one on your hands with her big statements of independence. But don't we all want our girls to be INDEPENDENT?! Mine sure is!
such beautiful children...
Love it when hearing parents make choice to teach kids how to sign.
(myself, deaf)
That little pleased with herself pose is adorable!
Lovely post Rachel - Ruby reminds me of my eldest when she was that age, I clearly remember the first time I managed to get her hair up into two tiny bunches, she was two and a half years old!
I love that Ruby wears neckalces all the time. There are so many picture of me wearing necklaces with random outfits. Or no outfits.
haha! this post made my heart swell too!
soul doesn't really sign of say anything, but boy oh boy does she shriek! ben calls her seagull! it is a guessing game to figure out what she is shrieking for! hahaha...
What a great/adorable post! I love everything about the last photo!
Also I have an older brother and was bald till I was almost 3... I think i have a special place in my heart for Ruby! haha
Your kids are adorable!!
This post made me smile :)
You have the sweetest little children - I can't get enough of your mom posts. <3
your kids are SOOOO adorable, i love little bald girls! i was definitely a little bald girl =) (& the title of this post is hilarious, haha)
Oh I love the little bald baby heads! My little one was a baldy too. But her hair came in white blonde, so she looked hairless for a long time. She'll be 2 on Monday and it was only at Christmas that we finaly got a teensy little piggytail. For all of 10 minutes! This is a great post, Love it!
Such a cute post! Your kids are so adorable! The last photo is my fav - love the rain boots! :)
Thanks, everyone! I think I forget to share the everyday sometimes but going back to last year, I'd already forgotten so much! I know I'll always cherish these little details even if they seem a little boring sometimes.
Thanks for all of the post love!
After reading this post I'm going to bed with a very warmed heart. And now you have me wishing for a sibling for Georgia. Oh boy, I'm going to have to sleep on that one for, let's say, five or six years. ;)
I love stories about kids, and the neat things they do! So darling :)
This post made me smile so much, I love how much you adore your children, so many people take them for granted. It's so refreshing to see your absolute love for them.
Love Danielle
Very sweet post :) I am very impressed that S put that puzzle together all by himself. My 2 yo got it for Christmas this year and I had a hard time putting it together!!! lol :)
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