I'm giving away NOT ONE BUT THREE Modern Patchwork E-COURSES!
Modern Patchwork was designed with beginners in mind and includes NINE special projects that will not only build your confidence in your sewing skills, it will pretty much give you all the projects you need to give your favorite space a mini makeover!
Modern Patchwork was designed with beginners in mind and includes NINE special projects that will not only build your confidence in your sewing skills, it will pretty much give you all the projects you need to give your favorite space a mini makeover!

Projects include:
Patchwork Chair Makeover
Stars in Your Eyes Pillow
Make a Statement Pillow
Striped Dino Plushie
Chevron Half Apron
Cross Your Heart Doll Quilt
Cutting Corners Lap Quilt
Hexagon Flower Block
Original Diamonds Are Forever Block
Make Your Own Binding Tutorial
An original bonus block!

Learn how to piece together strips to make a dino plushie and then move onto creating a simple star pillow! Take those techniques and your sewing confidence to tackle a simple quilt that is quite forgiving in the 'match up your corners' department! This e-course allows you to build from the most simple project until you're ready to tackle a patchwork chair makeover and your own statement pillow. I've taken the scary out of patchwork!
I not only give you step-by-step photos and directions, I share how you can customize your own projects to continue creating unique pieces for yourself and friends. You'll be able to search through resource links provided to continue to develop your style and help you learn what colors and patterns you are drawn to.
You'll learn how to make your own binding (as well as my super fast binding technique ) and discover the fun of paper piecing hexagons! You'll have access to two original patchwork block designs for quilting and links to some of my favorite online fabric retailers.

Tell your mama! Tell your friends!
You'll have a chance to enter to win ONE of THREE SPOTS in the following ways:
1. Leave a comment with your name.
2. Tweet about this giveaway and comment to let me know you have.
3. Blog about this giveaway and share the link in the comments section.
4. Share this giveaway on Facebook and link in the comments section.
Doing all four will give you FOUR times as many chances to win ONE of THREE SPOTS!
I'll be randomly selecting THREE lucky winners on Tuesday, February 8th so don't delay!
You'll learn how to make your own binding (as well as my super fast binding technique ) and discover the fun of paper piecing hexagons! You'll have access to two original patchwork block designs for quilting and links to some of my favorite online fabric retailers.

Tell your mama! Tell your friends!
You'll have a chance to enter to win ONE of THREE SPOTS in the following ways:
1. Leave a comment with your name.
2. Tweet about this giveaway and comment to let me know you have.
3. Blog about this giveaway and share the link in the comments section.
4. Share this giveaway on Facebook and link in the comments section.
Doing all four will give you FOUR times as many chances to win ONE of THREE SPOTS!
I'll be randomly selecting THREE lucky winners on Tuesday, February 8th so don't delay!
1 – 200 of 803 Newer› Newest»The name is Violet and I'd love to win! :D
My quilting skills could definitely use some help!
ninarucker at gmail dot com
Yes please!
I really want to learn how to quilt. Thanks for the chance to learn something new :)
-Jennifer S.
Awesome! I really hope I'm able to snag a copy. I've been lusting about quilting for years and am finally thinking I want to get started. I love the examples you've included in the book.
I've gone ahead and shared the giveaway on my twitter and facebook, too!
Oh! I would SO love to win! I really want to take this, but it's not in the budget right now. Thanks for the chance Rachel!
I'm Katie. You had me at paper piecing hexagons. fingers crossed!
Eep count me in! my little girls quilt relies on it :), ive been attempting to make a patchwork for a while now, Im in need of some help :)
I would love to take this class!
I tweeted about this giveaway, because I really want this!
you're so awesome :)
I would LOVE to learn patchwork!
how exciting!
Sarah J.
smjacobsen (at) hotmail (dot) com
Mollie really wants to win. Really, really.
My name is Marisela and it would be so cool to win!
(I've been coveting this class but still hadn't scrounged up the money)
I tweeted about it too
I really really really want to win!
What a great giveaway! My name's Randi :)
My name is Lisa and I would LOVE to win. My sewing machine misses me.
I'm Karen, and I would love to learn to machine sew and make garments! I do some embroidery, but I'd love to make bigger things!
Hey, it's me Cassie over at The Veda House. You know...that crazy chick who's attempting a triangle pattern quilt. I desperate need the help!
ummhh, yes please! emily
this looks great!
FUN! I would love to win :)
i wanted to do this so badly and it didnt fit into our budget, winning would be AMAZING!!
I also posted on Facebook. See it here http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=198064056876954&id=592397305
just tweeted :)
Oh Rachel, I would just die if I won this, it all looks so adorable!
Linked on my Wild Olive FB page...
pick me!!
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/goodknits/status/33245055829417984
my name is Danielle and I'd love to win! heehee! :D thanks for the chance rachel!
danielle thompson
So exciting!!!
Karen again, Facebook link'd
Wow, this would be awesome.
tweeted it.
i also blogged about it here...
I would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway Rachel!
tweeted, too! : )
danielle thompson
This is so exciting! I would be so thrilled to win a chance to improve my skills! Mukweto @ gmail.com
Hi i'm Megan and i'd love to learn!
blogged it.
(i'm going to have my fingers crossed until the winners are announced!)
Winning this tutorial could actually convince me to dust off my (brand new) sewing machine that I've been afraid of for four years!!
Kelly :)
kellyjneil at gmail dot com
I've been wanting to learn how to quilt and these projects are all so adorable :)
- Crystalyn
OHHHH ! What an awesome prize! Thanks, Rachel!
- Lizzi from www.lizziloves.com
I took your sewing class and learned so much from it!! Would love to win and learn more about quilting.
Keep my fingers crossed :)
I have always wanted to learn how to quilt, but it seems so intimidating!
ohhh this is totally awesome opposum!! *crossing my fingers!*
christina.goussard at yahoo dot com
I would love to win this! I really want to learn to quilt and can't spring for a course right now. I just tweeted it as well (@emilyannepowers) Thanks for the chance to win!
Karen x3, tweeted (my first! I really just follow other people)
i am currently starting my first quilt and it is a mess (to put it nicely) so far. i need this help so badly!
I'd LOVE to win this!!
tweet tweet: i shared my need for the class on twitter too!
the giveaway is on my facebook
Such a wonderful giveaway! I received a sewing machine for Christmas, so I'm chomping at the bit to work on some fun projects.
what an awesome opportunity! Thanks for sharing! ~Abby
My name is Holly F., and I'm a sewing novice. :)
It's Holly F. again, and I retweeted your link about this giveaway!
The projects look so fun!
I would LOVE to win this! We rent just like you, and our space needs a makeover (I'm not a huge fan of our rental and don't have ideas to change it.)
Holly F. here one more time, and I linked up this giveaway on my facebook. I'll be honest though, I don't know how to specifically link to that post. Here's the link to my page, though!
what an awesome opportunity! Thanks for sharing! ~Abby
I tweeted this giveaway @theniftyknotter
Wow! I'm loving that quilt!
I posted this on my facebook.
Hi, I'm Crissy and I need a push for my ReStyle projects!
I'd love to win.
Hello! I'm Anna! I would LOVE to win this! Thanks for the giveaway!
I am Grace, and I have no problem learning new skill sets! I've been wondering how to do paper piecing. Thanks for the chance to learn something new!
Shared on FB.
Tweeted the giveaway.
please please please ;P
we poor students appreciate the giveaways! your projects look beautiful!
xoxo lauren
OMGosh!! I'm having my first baby in August and have been wanting to learn how to make a quilt! This would be perfect! :)
Amanda Marler
Thank you!
Eeek! I hope of all hopes I win this amazing giveaway!!!
cr_griffith (at) live (dot) com
Oh i would love this! Tara
I would love to win this!!!
Jessica M.
tweeted it :)
shared on FB :)
My name is Chelle...I hope I win!!
i would love to win this!
Blogged here...
oh my goodness, my fingers are crossed. i've been wanting to take this class since you first announced it! learning how to make a quilt is one of the things i have to do before my next birthday.
lcd7383 at gmail dot com
I just finished Elsie's "Blog Love" e-course - and absolutely loved it! I would love to try this one too. :)
My name is Jen.
Contest tweeted at @jenidleman
Blogged and facebook'd!
Happy Thursday!
You're a huge inspiration and it would be an honor to win this and be apart of your e-course.
I would love to win this, I have a special quilt I want to make and I am just not quite sure were to begin.
I facebooked
I tweeted
and finally i commented :)
I really realy want to win, ive wanted to learn patchwork for ages
my name is Laura-Jane Knight from London
I would LOVE to learn how to quilt. I don't know where to begin!
Oh man, how much do i want this??! How fun!!! Pick me!!!
I would love to learn from this! I loved the home ec class you helped with!
Hi! I'm Tania, I would love this! I've been wanting to sew for so long and this is just what I need to start.
I posted to my facebook too. http://www.facebook.com/#!/tania.shaw/posts/192062877479566
And my blog.
This looks amazing! I have always wanted to learn these techniques!
*Marla* mraem78@yahoo.com
Facebooked here!
I can crochet but quilting has always been a mystery to me...nows better time than never to learn!
I'm cheating and registering while I work. That's how badly I want to win :-)
i just posted on my blog!
I would love to win this considering the fact that I really can't afford to spend the money to buy a spot :).
blogged about it!
I also posted about this on facebook :).
and facebooked!
this would be so wonderful! oh the loveliness I'd make!
I would love to learn how to do this and sew as well!Lots of love, I love your blog!
facebooked it too!
I'm always looking for new quilt patterns. Thanks, Polly @ Helping Little Hands
absolutely adore your blog!
i've been wanting to work on my sewing skills (right now my 2 machines are collecting dust), and if i had an ecourse like this i might get those puppies out and work on my skills. and would love to learn about quilting because it's something i used to watch my grandmother do all the time when i was little.
i've posted this on my facebook (http://www.facebook.com/apockylypse), twitter (http://www.twitter.com/apockylypse) and blog (http://apockylypse.wordpress.com).
*crosses fingers* hope i win! :)
<3 Kelly (apockylypse at gmail dot com)
Oooh count me in!
What a lovely giveaway. My home could definitely use some modern patchwork love.
tweeted it!
!!!! count me in lady!
Im Cyd and I would love this!!!
Ooooh, I'd love it! just made my first on-my-own sewing project this week!
I would love to win :) I'm
Thanks for the giveaway Rachel!
Keep up the great work.
also tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/elousions
oh I would love this!!!1 Rebekah
woops here is the link to it from my blog http://adarling.net/?p=911
I have been wanting to learn quilting basics for so long, but since I'm a student, I don't have much expendable income! This would be amazing!
I was just telling my colleague how much I wanted to do this course today :) *fingers crossed*
Rhi x
& tweeted http://twitter.com/TheWickedMama xx
This would be a fabulous way to unwind and take a break from my busy life as a college student! What a great course, Rachel!
-Sarah Michelle P.
I tweeted this because your blog is amazing and so is this giveaway!
This course sounds really awesome! I love the items in it :)
i'd love to win this!
justjacci at hotmail dot com
I've been wanting to take this class!! Fingers crossed!!
i would LOVE to win this!
This looks so fun! I get into a rut with my sewing and your projects look like just the thing I need to get some new ideas flowing...
Heather. :) And I would love to get a chance at this e-course!
ooh, I hope I win!
I would love to win...I am just beginning to learn how to sew.
Hey I would love this!!
My name is Andrea
I tweeted (http://twitter.com/#!/andijo)
and posted on facebook (http://www.facebook.com/andrea.johnson.photo)
heck yes i would love this! :)
would love to win!
my name is Lisa ... and i'd love to learn more about how to sew!!
I'm Tawny and would love to win! :D
I blogged about the giveaway:
I tweeted about the giveaway (@jessicandesigns)
I shared on facebook
ahh this is perfect! on my bucket list for this year is to make a quilt and i don't know where to start!
my name is victoria... and now i'm off to tweet and share on facebook!
peace. love. create.
What an awesome giveaway!
-Carly D.
Oh, pick me! pick me pick me pick me!
Where are my manners... PLEASE pick me. :)
would LOVE to win this. I've loved all your online art classes and know this would be up to par with all your others!
Sarah M
My Name is Kindel and I really wanna learn how to quilt! Thanks for an awesome give away!
It is one of my main goals to learn patchwork/quilting this year, so I NEED this course!
i tweeted about it :)
:) my name is maria my email is littlesideris@gmail.com :D
Ohhh! I want to win so bad! I loved Home Ec and am ready to quilt!
im so excited! :)
Catlyn Lawson
i tweeted about this giveaway! @ZombieCupcake90
I tweeted this contest! I'm @kreganb .... So excited for the opportunity to win!
I am so doing all of these!! Thanks for the offer!
Sarah M
I'm Jenn and I'd totally love to win this!
really want to learn quilting basic's! hope I win ;)
I wouldddd lovvveee to win! :D
Learning to quilt/not be afraid of sewing machines is on my to-do list for 2011. Ha!
xo Haley
My name is Meghann, and this course would be awesome. However, if I win, can I gift it to my friend Diane? She entered earlier, and she's much more the sewing type than I am, and she's one amazing and deserving mama.
okay so I don't know how to put a link from my twitter so I included my name (@ssmast):
ssmast Sarah Mast
RT@Racheldenbow e-course giveaway! Modern Patchwork! http://ssmast.blogspot.com/2011/02/win-modern-patchwork-e-course.html #crafty #favorite
Sarah M
Oh man, I would love to win one of the spot! - Maryam
What a generous giveaway! I'd love to take your class.
amyksmith35 at gmail dot com
I facebooked your giveaway on my fan site! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pamplemousse1983/153268018017234
I also tweeted your giveaway :) @pamplemousse83
OH MY GOODNESS! I would love this!
Tiffany here! This would be an awesome prize!
wow, awesome! I would love to win!
I wanna win so bad!!
Oh my gosh! I would LOVE this!!!
I just started learning to quilt. This looks like it would be really fun.
I'm Ilka.
I'd love to win this!
Thanks for chance!
This class looks amazing! I would love to win a spot :)
Anything Rachel does is lovely.
I am doing my sign language homework at this time and signing...
my name what? E-R-I-N. I would like to win!
Would love to win! Rachel
Tweeted! :-)http://twitter.com/#!/racheldallaire/status/33285100322033664
Posted on FB: http://www.facebook.com/rbdallaire/posts/301525659990 :-)
I've been eying this course! Everything looks SO pretty! I did all 3 - Facebook, Twitter, and blog ;)
Please oh please oh please pick me!! I love sewing and made my first quilt before I had my 2 babies. I just started a new one but would love to pick up some new skills
Rachel :)
Hi! I would love to figure out this whole quilting thing!
This looks amazing and I really want to learn how to quilt! Fingers crossed!
Ooh, count me in, please! Just started to learn (by myself) how to sew and quilt, and I could absolutely need some help :) Your designs are awsome! *fingers crossed*
Oooh Pick Me! I could really use this course!
-Danielle Jeanne
Whoop Whoop! I hope I win!
Hi may name is Briana! YAYYY contest!
Oh I'd love to brush up some patchwork skills! Hooray!
My fingers and toes are crossed
Pepper x
I also linked to the giveaway on my facebook :)
Pepper x
: http://racheldenbow.blogspot.com/2011/02/modern-patchwork-giveaway.html go! now!
my tweet!
ooo... what a great giveaway!
my comment! I would LA LA LOVE to win! Thanks!
Awesome giveaway! i would love to win! I still haven't finished my other sewing class from you yet tho... :)
just tweeted it!
Thanks so much for this giveaway, I've got a stack of unfinished vintage quilting squares that need to be something. I think I really wanted this b/c I tweeted @citizenktweets, blogged it at citizenkg.blogspot.com and facebooked it (http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=15906501)
I recently (re)started sewing and this course sounds perfect to learn some new techniques :)
thanks for the generous giveaway!!
Mademoiselle Marie
mosier at gmail dot com
& I just tweeted about it:
Eeek! :) this looks totally, amazingly, lovely! My fingers are crossed! I've been craving some sewing, lately!!
what an amazing class, love all you do. thanks for this chance. i'm crossing my fingers and toes. norma
I'm a begginer sewer and I'd love to learn some quilting techniques.
My name is Filipa, I'm a follower as Filipa Sompy.
Hey Rachel, this give away is really generous and so helpful for those of us still feeling the pinch after Christmas (I can see I'm not the only one).
I've tweeted and blogged here: http://www.projectlorna.com/2011/02/loving-quilts.html
I'm not a public facebooker but I've crossed my fingers that 2 out of three will do the job.
Oooh...I would SO love to win a spot!
I could use some help so I would really love to learn these skills! :)
I'd love to learn how to sew on the sewing machine I just inherited.
Davanie palershade {at} gmail
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