We've been asking Meemaw not to replace her grass green carpet for years because it just wouldn't feel like her house without it. Too many good memories! I realized as I was sitting in her living room a few days ago that my own taste in home decor colors mirrors some of the older elements in her living room. Her walls are a light mint, the trim is honey colored, she has a gold mirror and lamps, a tan vintage couch, and fantastically floral vintage rockers. I love all the blue, green, and gold!

I stopped in at a little flea market in Pauls Valley while we were visiting and picked up a vintage sand bucket and another needlework piece. Not too bad for $8! We had a great time with family and are glad to be back at home. Except for the laundry pile. And the new leak in the roof of my studio.
Any plans for spring break? Do you get one?
Any plans for spring break? Do you get one?
We are headed to Lake Charles, LA for a wedding, thrifting in small towns, crawfish and a little gambling!
My grandmother used to have the EXACT same green carpet in her living room! I love it!
i LOVE that needlework piece. i love to put those around my apartment as well :)
that bucket is painfully adorable. great find.
Also, I made your jumper last week for my baby due next month, I love it:
thanks for the great DIY!
Came to you from A beautiful mess and had to comment on this post. My mother inherited her couch set from HER grandmother and it is the same as the blue chair here! Although she's since replaced them, seeing the picture brought me back to my childhood and made me smile. Thank you so much for sharing!
I grew up with floral rockers just like that in my aunts house. I used to love visiting just to curl up in one of them and sit, rock and spin. Do your meemaws rockers spin too?
No Spring Break across in the UK, but my plans for the next few weeks include getting the leaks around my chimney fixed. *sigh*
I love that first picture. So many of my tastes were influenced by my gran, too. :)
LOVE that chair. :)
no spring break this year...it just seems to be getting even busier..
I have that needlepoint as well as the one you posted a few days ago with the yellow background. How funny!
love that rocker. don't you love how everything comes full circle? i inherited some of my great grandmother's things and i love them.
no spring break for this mama, considering all i have is a babe at home and i'm at home with her! oh, if mama's got spring breaks, wouldn't that be lovely.
My aunt and uncle bought my grandparents summer home a few years ago and basically redid the whole thing - I was sooo sad to see the orange shag rug go. Sure, it was no longer in the best shape, but I agree, the memories!! I still remember how the house looked and smelled before the remodel *sigh*
What a beautiful needlework piece! Great find! Enjoy it :-)
My grandparents are moving soon and I feel the same way, like I want to just soak up every last detail!!
No spring break for me; I'm a nanny so all kids home = more work for me!
Third Street Photo
I haven't had grandparents since I was in high school, I do miss them .I miss my Grandmas smell and warm wrinkly hands.
No plans for spring break, just hanging out, making art, maybe indulging in peanut butter with honey.
It's Spring Break here for us this week and we are taking a break from all the hustle and bustle & staying home. Besides, my 9 year old is going through his round of the sickies so traveling is a no go. When he's better, we'll blow up the kiddie pool and get tans:)
I can definitely relate to your sentiments about the green carpet in your grandma's home! My last grandparent died in '08, and not long after that, my parents cleaned out all of his belongings and put his house on the market. In this terrible economy, I thought the house would be for sale a long time, and that I'd have plenty of time to take my last visit. Unfortunately, a couple of weeks went by and a young couple made an offer, and my my parents accepted it. Before I even had a chance to go see it one last time, the keys had been handed over.:-( About a week ago I drove by the house at night, and could see right into the living room. The new residents had painted the walls a different color and modernized the decor. It tugged at my heart a bit, to see that the house had changed so much in such a short time.
My grandmother had that living room set too! Brings back memories!
it's not really a spring break... more of an easter break. little miss and i are headed home to NW Indiana for 9 days to be with my family for easter. unfortunately my husband can't come with us... :( he has to work. but it will be fun since they haven't seen abby since christmas (besides skype) and i've been promised some me-time to go out thrifting!
I love that pretty corner of your Meemaws home! Mint is so beautiful, and you're right, that carpet is awesome!
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