I've been wanting this particular needlework design for awhile and have had my eye on a $68 framed one in town for over a year. One day Elsie and I were talking about the 'God Bless Our Pad' needlework and how I wasn't really as into it as I thought I'd be color wise and asked her if she wanted it. She said she'd trade me for this other large needlework she had...and it turned out to be this one!!! We were both over the moon!
My birthday present from my brother came in the mail today! The new Fuji Instax Wide was on back order so I've been waiting patiently but used up the first pack of film within ten minutes. I was trying to feel it out and see how it handled. I may be in love.
Sebastian got in on the action and shot the photo of his new dinosaur. I came into the room later in the evening and he had my camera out trying to take a picture but I had purposely not loaded the next pack of film. I know my son. We had a little talk about Mommy's new toy and that he always had to ask before taking a photo and the difference between this camera and the digital ones he's used to. Yikes!
Lots of fun.
I'm looking forward to playing around with it and incorporating them into some art journaling. I think Elsie and Holly have an Instax and I've been gifted a photo or two at some point.
I'm eager to hear how you feel about yours if you've got one and maybe a link to your favorite photo? That'd be nice. I'm probably going to have to start a change jar for my next round of film. Even though it's cheaper than Polaroid film it's still hard to fork it over after being spoiled with a digital camera for so long. Thanks, Joe! It was such a fun surprise!! ;)
totally love the new camera! i have the mini and absolutely love it! i know. film is expensive after getting spoiled with digital, but it is so worth it. plus, for me, i still have yet to get any digital pics printed out. so my my instant film pictures mean so much!
and can't wait to see the room! i still haven't fixed soul's space after moving brave in with true. i am just so stuck and uninspired as far as house decorating is concerned.
I don't have it, but I SOOOO want it.. You may just have pushed me over the really really thinking about it point into the I need to have it like soon point! Looks like a blast, and yikes is right , that is the beauty of digital to just snap a zillion of them and it's no big deal! I just got a polaroid a few weeks ago, took me till this week to stalk some film for it on ebay.. Who knows maybe I wont "need" one after I get this beauty!
the wide instax is really something. I used to make fun of my friend because she had to lug that thing around all the time while I had my mini LOL but after looking at your inspiring photos, I feel like getting a wide one as well! :D I love my instax (though I still need to work on my framing)
Oh my goodness I LOVE THIS! Why oh why have I never heard of it?! Such a great and super cute camera!
I so love your blog....your dresses have inspired me so tomorrow I shall be endeavoring on my first sewing journey - I don't expect for my dresses to look as cute as yours but I can try!
Ah, you should not have shared your new camera with me! It's too much fun! I just got my Instax Mini and I love it. For some reason there's something delightful about an instant photo popping out of your camera.
You asked for our favorite Instax pictures...it's hard for me to get a picture of my favorite picture, but here's a scrapbook page I made with some: http://paperbackpirate.blogspot.com/2010/08/more-like-cure.html
My Camera arrived last week. I love that it is so wide, there is so many great uses.
Also a couple of weeks before I decided I really needed the camera I picked up a small vintage photo album for £2, it was full of old post cards but the photos from my Instax wide fit in the framed pages perfectly.
My husband got me the Instanx Mini last Christmas as a surprise. Such a cool camera! The picture quality is really amazing and worth the expensive film, although it's a realy pain to get hold of in the UK. Totally worth it though! xx
Arrgg! I cannot find either an old polaroid or an instax anywhere in the UK...I've been looking for months, checked every photography shop, catalogue shop, everything.
So frustrating! Especially as I just started a scrapbook for my little boy and it would be a great way to capture random moments without setting up my dslr...I've taken to making my photos look like polaroids in picnik ;-)
I have a mini and I love it but I'm stingy with my film!
Does Sebastian have his own camera? My nephew has one of the FP digitals and likes to take pictures of us.
oh i'm filled with all sorts of wanties first thing in the morning! Rachel, that needlework is TOOOOO Pretty. officially keeping my eyes peeled for that design. it looks perfect for your space! and that's funny to know that you + elsie made the trade because i noticed the god bless one in some of her recent pics and i thought, dang! those girls are lucky to each have one, haha!
AND. loving the fuji. NEEDING the fuji.
those photos are the cutest! I love the wider style!
I got a mini for Christmas last year and tons of film. best present ever!
this is my favorite photo that I've taken so far: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wayside_violet/4572933191/ the colors are AMAZING in person :)
sweet trade with the needlework!
I have the instax mini and love it! Yours looks like so much fun as well. Here are my favorite photos: http://www.molly-moon.com/2010/09/new-photo.html
I didn't even know there was an instax wide! The pictures look great.
I have a mini, and I took it on our vacation to Disney World. The pictures turned out very sweet:
Totally in love with your new fuji wide! I JUST like 3 days ago just got a fuji instax mini and I AM IN LOVE with it!! My first camera as a kid was a pola and nothing compares right? Anyway...no link to a fav pic just yet but soon. LOVING all of your pics and I know that the bottom one of S (eating) isn't from your new camera but that pic is just adorable!
Love the needlework - such gorgeous colors! And the camera looks like so much fun...enjoy!
Cute! I have the mini and love it, especially for parties (so fun, although the flash blinds everyone!). For some reason I haven't posted many photos from it, but there are a few in this post - http://www.onepearlbutton.com/2010/04/my-favorite-things-about-springtime.html
I love that needlework - what a perfect trade!
what a great post! so many lovely and inspiring things.:) i love the needle work, and would LOVE one of those new instax cameras!
i reeeeeeeeeeally want one too!!! so cool!!
i have one too (fuji instax) and these are my faves http://dreamesh.blogspot.com/2009/11/our-favorite-polaroid-shots.html
love the wide shots! I want one of these cameras!
i saw that one (have the mini) but couldn't bring myself to buy it because its so big! is that ever an issue for you?
Since I just got it I haven't lugged it around on trips or anything just yet but it's really not that much bigger than my SDLR so as long as I don't try to haul both as well as my vintage Duaflex, it probably won't bother me.
I'll just have a lot hanging around my neck! ;)
The Instamatic is next on my list! I love it! I also adore that needlework framed too! So pretty!
Twinklyspangle, if you're having trouble finding the film in the UK, you could mail order some from Japan: http://www.japangadgetshop.com/categories/Camera-%26-Photo/Instant-Cameras/
it's really funny- the instax wide photos, when turned on its side, are the same size as the 600 polaroid film, which actually helps with storage.
i have this camera too and i love love love it except for a few things:
1.the tint of polaroids tend to be on the yellow side, which i love, and the tint on the instax tends to be on the blue side, which i don't always love
2. sometimes a little blur from the polaroid adds that 'artsy' look- but for shooting people, the instax is really crisp which is good, so it's some give and take
3. the flash automatically goes on when it feels the picture is too dark (and even if i turn the flash off), this annoys me, because usually i feel there is enough light to capture the image pretty well!
otherwise, i love it.
and enjoy!
i've already used about 7 packs since christmas! eep!
Angela Anne
OK, this is an off the wall question, but is the paper that is lining the back of the shelves vintage? I'm trying to help my sister decorate my nieces room, and she flipped when she saw it!
Oh, and I have the Instax and am completely obsessed with it...is it bad that now I want the wide too??
Emma from olivebea.blogspot.com
I just got the fuji instax mini and I am already in love! I have always been crazy about instant camera's and this isn't any different :)
We also did the baby in bed with us -> baby in her crib in our bedroom -> baby in her own crib in her own room. Wouldn't you know, once she was out of our room she started to (basically) sleep through the night! We would have done it any other way, I cherish the time he was in bed with us, now she's used to spreading out in her own space:). Good luck with the transition!! :)
ps I sooo want that camera too - love love!!
i love your flowered lining in your shelf (or ruby's shelf)...is it cupboard lining? like peel and press stuff? so preettty!!
I have the Fuji Instax theme frames on my site...lots of fun for the holiday parties, company promotions or school event. The easelbacks are printed to order and can be imprinted with your information free of charge. We also sell the cameras, but not sure if it is a competitive pricing. We are http://www.partyplansplus.com/fuji.htm
oh my gosh i'm in love with mine! best idea i ever had to buy one a couple of weeks ago! this is my favorite image so far.. its from my friends wedding this past weekend :)
(the top one.. red dresses)
the second one from the bottom is also pretty enjoyable haha
i definitely recommend it!
I just got the mini today for my birthday! I love it so far. It's so fun! :) I want to go crazy and take tons of photos, but I think I will wait until there are good moments to capture!
Esa camara es encantadora
yo la vi en la pagina de lomography
y me enamore
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