Feel free to play along and copy and paste these into your own blog post and/or answer them in my comments section. I'm curious to see who is reading!
1. When do you feel happiest?
2. How do you take care of yourself?
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
4. What do you do for fun?
5. What intimidates you?
6. What is something you're proud of?
7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know _____________.
I'll be back later in the day with my own responses. Don't be a shy guy!
1. When do you feel happiest? When I'm doing something silly with friends, or painting.
2. How do you take care of yourself? To be honest, I don't.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? Externally.
4. What do you do for fun? Make stuff! And generally ridiculous spontaneous activities.
5. What intimidates you? New people, and the thought of having to grow up.
6. What is something you're proud of? Working in India.
7. Finish this sentence. I never want to lose the people I'm closest to right now.
8. Favorite vacation spot. My granddad's farm in Switzerland, or Bangalore with work included.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). It will be a 10, no doubt. You can't help loving pancake lunch with your boyfriend!
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that I can't sleep facing people. (I'm convinced that breathing the air that they exhaled will kill me, as it's only CO2)
1. When do you feel happiest?
currently, anytime i get to see my little Liam via an ultrasound... or whenever I feel him moving :).
2. How do you take care of yourself? I am sure to keep myself hydrated, eating healthy, praying and taking time just to do what I love.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? Currently internally because I am creating the child within me... that's motivating for me. :)
4. What do you do for fun? I love to shop, create art, go to the theatre, read, blog, etc.
5. What intimidates you? Politics
6. What is something you're proud of? Losing 160lbs over the last year and a half.
7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________. I never knew how amazing it was to be pregnant until now.
8. Favorite vacation spot. Hands down, the Oregon coast... or Hawaii!
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). 10, we got to see Liam!
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know _____________. That I am deathly afraid of latex balloons, bananas and green beans.
Great post idea my friend! ♥
1. When do you feel happiest? First thing in the morning when my baby girl give me love after I get her from her bed.
2. How do you take care of yourself? Going to the gym? that is my me time and thats how I take care of myself
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? I am externally motivated most of the time but sometimes I get some from myself depending on my mood for the day.
4. What do you do for fun? Take pictures, blog, crochet, hang with friends, watch movies, shop... and i also go to the gym for fun. :)
5. What intimidates you? Not knowing what is going to happen next.
6. What is something you're proud of? The family I have created. we are our own. silly and cheerful.
7. Finish this sentence. I never fall asleep early(hence the reason I am doing this now).
8. Favorite vacation spot. Hawaii
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). a 9... would have been a 10 if I hadn't spilt something on the couch I just cleaned yesterday. ugh
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that my favorite number is 23, I hate spiders, love my family, and that I am addicted to blogging :)
Great post girly!
1. When do you feel happiest?
- in the arms of my wonderful boyfriend
- working on my blog
- being creative
- cooking
Those are the things that make me reeeeally happy.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
Sleeping enough, trying to know my limits, taking enough time alone, avoiding things that make me feel useless (like playing Tetris the whole afternoon)
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
In general I'm not motivated enough for the things I should do (like university), but if I love something, I am motivated. I guess that means: internally.
4. What do you do for fun?
Making people smile. Being creative in millions of ways. Combining those two.
5. What intimidates you?
Huuuge To-Do-Lists. Too much pressure.
6. What is something you're proud of?
My website (www.kleine-wunder-ueberall.de) and my shop (http://de.dawanda.com/shop/kleinewunder)
7. Finish this sentence: I never died before. And I won't try this particular experience for quite some decades to come.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
Berlin. Or, if I want to relax: Some small town by the sea. Doesn't matter where.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
7. The weather is great, I'll be meeting a good friend for lunch and have my first yoga lesson tonight, but there's way too much work to do that I feel kind of intimidated ;-) Hence only a 7.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that I sleep 8 to 12 hours a day. I just don't seem to function with less.
I was going to post my answers in a comment but they ended up kind of long, so I made a blog post instead.
I did mine Rachel!
1. When do you feel happiest? Watching live music
2. How do you take care of yourself? Honestly, I don't - much in need of a gym session!
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? internally
4. What do you do for fun? snowboard, watch tv, blog!
5. What intimidates you? people who get places by knowing people and not from talent, I'm scared I wont make it
6. What is something you're proud of? choreographing in the Royal Albert Hall in London
7. Finish this sentence. I never want to look back.
8. Favorite vacation spot. Florence, Italy.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). 7 *I've only just woken up!*
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know I don't like cheese and I was training to be in the RAF for three years.
1. When do you feel happiest? When I tackle my husband after a long seperation.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
Lots of water, prayer, and exercise.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
4. What do you do for fun?
5. What intimidates you?
Trying to learn Italian.
6. What is something you're proud of?
Figuring out how to live in Italy by myself for close to 4 years.
7. Finish this sentence. I never pass on dessert.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know I don't do self-check out.
I'm playing! Check my blog to read my answers.
How fun!
1. When do you feel happiest?
Anytime my husband gets to come home. Yes, I'm that cheesy! But it isn't that often. :( When he's gone I'm happiest when I'm sewing, it's a newer hobby and I still have a lot to learn, or when I'm in the nursery getting things done.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
I TRY to keep a healthy diet, lots of water, and when I'm not 9 months pregnant I love to exercise. And a positive mind/attitude. Being positive is a definite priority of mine!
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
I'd say both. I am usually externally sparked, but internally driven.
4. What do you do for fun?
Read! Blogs, that is. :P
5. What intimidates you?
Anybody great at their crafts and really dedicated to their art and/or lifestyle. Especially when it's something I may be new at.
6. What is something you're proud of?
My little family. Being a military housewife is not easy. I have nearly no friends around here (even after a year and a half of being stationed here) and zero family other than the one we are currently nurturing. Being a young wife and mother is challenging enough as it is, but doing it all on our own and succeeding when very few thought we would makes me proud.
7. Finish this sentence. I never want to lose my desire to constantly want to push myself further, and learn as much as I can.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
Anything outdoors!
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
Well, today the sun hasn't risen yet, but yesterday was a 10! And I am hoping today will follow suit. I have my last "routine" doctor's appointment!
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that I'd rather face death than eat jelly. (Okay, okay! I'm exaggerating a bit, but in all seriousness... the thought alone makes me want to vomit! The consistency of it scares me and very few people know this because I don't want to be pressured into trying it "just one more time, pleeeease!")
1. When do you feel happiest? when I'm outside with my family
2. How do you take care of yourself? making time to do stuff that I love every day
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
both! mostly internally, though.
4. What do you do for fun? thrift, read, sew, be outside
5. What intimidates you? small talk with strangers
6. What is something you're proud of? that I'm a mother
7. Finish this sentence. I never thought my life would be this good.
8. Favorite vacation spot. so far...savannah, ga
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). It's gotta be a 10!
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that I'm going in to have our 3rd baby today!
Thanks, Rachel! This was fun and it's fun to read all the responses. Love your blog. :)
Love these, it's always great reading others answers to get to know them a little better! I will have to play along later...I have a baby girl wanting my attention right now! I can't wait to read yours Rachel!
1. Outdoors, with my Family, making Art
2. Creating, getting Outdoor, taking time for Family
(notice a pattern?)
3. both!
4. see above:) also anything active
5. being alone in an unfamiliar place…
6. my Family and my Art (wow definite pattern here)
7. watch TV
8. NYC, living in CA is an everyday vaca, I want to go to Europe!
9. we will have to wait and see… but I am thankful for it no matter what!
10. a lot more about me:) you can read more about me on my blog if you want...www.lovelybud.typepad.com
thanks this was fun!
1. When do you feel happiest? When my husband & I are bathing our little boy - tons of giggles & splashes!
2. How do you take care of yourself? I spend $180 every week at a psychiatrist.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? Both! I want to be the best "me" I can be, but I also succumb to the "mommy-pressure" of looking just right to the outside world. Baaaaaaad mindset.
4. What do you do for fun? Go for a jog with the pup, walks in the park with my family, shop with The Momma, read with a cup of tea in bed.
5. What intimidates you? Success.
6. What is something you're proud of? That I'm taking that intimidation & giving it a can of whoop-ass this year.
7. Finish this sentence. I never smoked a cigarette.
8. Favorite vacation spot. The North Carolina beaches. Relaxing. Sun. Family. Beer.
9. Today is a 7ish?
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know my biggest fear.
Anything else, you can find it in my blog! http://theheirtoblair.com
1. When do you feel happiest? When I'm outside with my boys and baby girl and they're getting along- makes me feel like this is what life's supposed to be (of course it's only a matter of time before my moment of bliss is interuppted by "Mom, he's hitting!", but it's perfect while it lasts!)
2. How do you take care of yourself? Mandated 2 hour naptime/rest-time for the kids every afternoon! I couldn't survive without that me-time!
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? Definitely internally-I'm a perfectionist.
4. What do you do for fun? Thrift shop!
5. What intimidates you? Social situations, big time!
6. What is something you're proud of? Getting my master's degree, writing my book, being a mother
7. Finish this sentence. I never make my bed, even though I'm a really neat person.
8. Favorite vacation spot. Somewhere in a cabin with modern amenities, but out in nature, and access to lots and lots of antique/thrift shops to go to during the day!
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).Just starting out, but I'm guessing a 9?
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know how shy I really am.
1. When do you feel happiest? when i'm caught up on my responsibilities and can have fun with my family and/or friends w/out worrying about all the stuff i need to do.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
i don't take care of myself very well. it's something i'm working on.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
it really depends on the situation.
4. What do you do for fun?
i love grabbing a cup of coffee and browsing at a bookstore. i could spend hours in one. by myself or with a friend.
5. What intimidates you?
large groups of people
6. What is something you're proud of? the fact that i'm getting off my rear and startng to actually learn about things that i want to get better at doing.
7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________. want to be pregnant again.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
my parents' house
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
well, it started out as a 3 or 4, but it's steadily getting better. hopefully we'll end close to a 7 or 8.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know _____________.that i'm way more opinionated than i let on.
thanks! this actually made me really think. :)
Thanks! I needed something to write about today!
Here's my 10 Things....
Kite Tails
1. Summertime, spending time with friends and/or family
2. Zumba! And fruits and veggies.
3. I'd say externally - mostly by the bloggy world.
4. Create, get outside, spend time with my furballs, time with friends and family
5. I'm intimidated by the future.
6. Getting along with most people.
7. I never want to lose: my creativity.
8. The beach or my parent's house.
9. 8 - my mom's coming to visit and it's a Zumba night! (but I still have to work all day...)
10. If you knew me really well you'd know that I can be weird. :)
That was fun! Thanks for the questions! :)
I love those quizzes/fill-in-the-blank thingys. Just proves I'm a seventh grade girl at heart I guess. Lol. Look for my response on my blog. :)
1. When do you feel happiest? - When I am with my husband. And when I am creating.
2. How do you take care of yourself? I value my time above all else.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? yes. LOL!
4. What do you do for fun? I make stuff!
5. What intimidates you? sewing machines.
6. What is something you're proud of? My dolls
7. Finish this sentence. I never stay angry for long.
8. Favorite vacation spot. The Beach
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). 6
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that I am very real.
1. When do you feel happiest? When we get a chance to be silly and not worry about the real world.
2. How do you take care of yourself? I don't take care of myself enough. Sneaking time alone for a nice shower or to finish a craft project. But that time is very rare.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? Internally, I guess.
4. What do you do for fun? Read, craft, take pictures.
5. What intimidates you? The unknown, being in new situations, people in general.
6. What is something you're proud of?As a mom I feel like I should say my kids (which I am proud of), but I think having my art published would be my next proud thing :)
7. Finish this sentence. I never knew how crazy having boys would be, they keep me on my toes.
8. Favorite vacation spot. Just about any beach spot, my favorite so far has been Hawaii.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). So far it is a 4, but I am going to do my best to turn it around. Its still early :)
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that I think that I can do it all on my own and am very reluctant to ask for help.
1. When do you feel happiest?
when i'm being productive, petting a dog, bouncing ideas off of others/having a really good conversation, when i'm with my mom, or out walking around taking pictures by myself, when i'm reading a really good book, and when i hear a really good song.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
a big thing i do to keep my sanity is keep a written journal. other than that, i try to be conscious of what i eat. i like riding my bike—otherwise i don't really enjoy exercise. i always give myself goals to work towards, and am constantly making to-do lists to keep up with everything going on in my life. it's good to treat yourself every once in a while, too, just with something simple.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
knowing where i want to go in life, having goals to work towards, that's what motivates me. the constant pursuit of what i want my life to be—of who i want to be—keeps me going. also known as INTERNALLY. :)
4. What do you do for fun?
go to coffee shops/craft fairs/bookstores, go thrifting, make things, laugh with friends.
5. What intimidates you?
competition, loneliness, and anything that i've yet to learn how to do.
6. What is something you're proud of?
living in chicago like i've planned since i was 14. the christmas gifts that i made this year. my collection of books.
7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________.
want to stop growing.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
higgins lake and traverse city are both classics in my family, and i enjoy both, but i'd rather travel EVERYWHERE than confine myself to just one spot at this point.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
6 so far. i have a horticulture quiz later to stress over, and a lot to do for my drawing class in the morning. i'm feeling very anxious.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know _____________.
i'm sazzy as hell, but inside i'm so sincere.
:) melisa
1. When do you feel happiest?
on a sunny weekend with my husband and my closest friends
2. How do you take care of yourself?
prayer and times of rest
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
4. What do you do for fun?
go scavenging at thrift stores and estate sales
5. What intimidates you?
confrontational phone calls
6. What is something you're proud of?
my home - it's our canvas
7. Finish this sentence. I never drink black coffee.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
the beach, anywhere south of Maryland will do
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know as much as I love being a graphic designer, I'd rather have babies and not have to go to an office job.
I am reading and I did mine here: http://nccoatesfamily.blogspot.com/2010/04/funk.html
btw thanks for being so inspiring!
1. When do you feel happiest?
-when my lovely boyfriend smells and plays with my hair. that's HIS way of showing love. haha! :)
-and when i made something that people really like, and i can see it through their facial expression, not just by complimenting my work.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
-make sure i take enough water, especially with Singapore's HOT and HUMID weather. eating lotsa of fruits and vegetables, drinking milk.... basically, a healthy diet.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
-it's a bit of both, but mostly internal. others inspires me, but i motivate myself to be better. :)
4. What do you do for fun?
-i like to craft ALOT.
5. What intimidates you?
people who are better than me in the areas that i think i'm good in. but that in turn, motivates me to try even harder. I just need to think i'm the best in the things i considered important to me.
6. What is something you're proud of?
-my creativeness. and my ability to turn papers, cloth, strings and other materials into beautiful things!
-my very brave boyfriend who stayed really strong thru his dad's wake/funeral.
7. Finish this sentence. I never stop thinking of crafting/creating new things. my mind is always thinking of new things that i can make or things that i can improve on.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
that long stretch of road where all the cherryblossom trees blossomed in Korea. they are just so so so lovely!!
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
8, weather was killing HOT today in Singapore and the kids in school gone berserk (due to the weather i think) so i had a terrible day at work. (i'm a preschool teacher)
But i had a good night with my japanese teacher and her kids. i can now speak some simple japanese with them!
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that i'm really a very passionate person who loves her life so much. I am also a pretty positive who always look at the bright side of things. I dont look back, hence i dont live in regrets. I embrace and love life! And i really love all my family, friends and boyfriend VERY MUCH!
1. When do you feel happiest?
When I'm making something pretty or taking pictures.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
Take time away from people. Calling my daddy.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
Internally sometimes but externally motivated by the kids I work with.
4. What do you do for fun?
Lay in the sun. Take long drives no where. Talk to friends and family back home. Make things. Shop. Bake!!
5. What intimidates you?
Losing. People who are more strong willed than me.
6. What is something you're proud of?
Me. I've done a lot of changing in the last year and I'm proud of that!
7. Finish this sentence. I never want to be the person I was before now.
8. Favorite vacation spot. Home (Minnesota!!)
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
A 10! Even though I'm doing work that's not fun, it's beautiful outside and I'm surrounded by beautiful people.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know I hate how loud I am, and when people tell me I'm loud.
1. When do you feel happiest? When I am creating. :)
2. How do you take care of yourself? I drink lots of Coke!!! It's my guilty pleasure and I think I deserve it. :) ha!
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? Internally. I always have passion and inspiration, it's a blessing and a curse at the same time... sometimes there just isn't time to do all of the things I feel motivated to do.
4. What do you do for fun? There were a lot of things I did before I had a baby, like mind puzzles, and reading books before bed, thrift shopping and baking... not so much anymore!
5. What intimidates you? People who don't think I'm good enough
6. What is something you're proud of? Somewhat maintaining my little shop & surviving the first 4 1/2 months with my daughter :)
7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________. -- I never eat the last bite of my dinner. I don't know why!!!
8. Favorite vacation spot. Camping on the bay. I haven't done it in years but it brings back so many childhood memories...
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). It's a 5.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know _____________. My heart is really big and I care too much about what other people think.
1. When do you feel happiest?
when i am surrounded by people i love. preferably in nature.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
naps. yoga. connecting with friends.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
deadlines motivate me. i'd put everything off if it wasn't for outside deadlines.
4. What do you do for fun?
roller skate, art, crafts, yoga, read, thrift shop, take photos.
5. What intimidates you?
6. What is something you're proud of?
the fact that i've chosen to follow my dreams and really live my life!
7. Finish this sentence. I never take out the trash. this is something my man-friend does for me :) he never cleans the toilet. it's our trade-off.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
the oregon coast. GORGEOUS!
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
5. average.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know i HATE being called tabby.
Ah, so fun.
I posted to my blog.
Fun! http://ssmast.blogspot.com/
Sarah M
how fun!
you're one of my favortie mommas...
1. When do you feel happiest?
when my kids are laughing so hard they're squealing. like little piglets!
2. How do you take care of yourself?
I bake.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
A mixture of both. I love looking at the things other people create, but I also am really inspired by color and so I keep them around me for when the mood strikes.
4. What do you do for fun?
Park hop!
5. What intimidates you?
Drama. That's why I stay out of it.
6. What is something you're proud of?
My kids, when they're being sweet and funny. Not so much when they're throwing tantrums. They don't do that in public, though, so I'm super proud of that!
7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________.
learned to drive. (YES, I AM 25)
8. Favorite vacation spot.
What's a "vacation"???:(
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know _____________.
my ears are always itchy.
1. When do you feel happiest?
when me and bf are laughing about the silliest stuff. when i see my family.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
i don't do a very good job...and i know it. i stress out, don't do stuff for myself. but i am hoping to change that.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
totally externally. i wish i wasn't...but positive energy motivates me.
4. What do you do for fun?
take pictures, travel, swim.
5. What intimidates you?
change, it is what holds me back 99% of the time.
6. What is something you're proud of?
i just bought a house on tuesday. :)
7. Finish this sentence. I never will pass up a nap.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
4 - not feeling too well. massive headache, stressing about packing everything for a move on saturday.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know I want a kitten, really bad.
Rachel-I just want to tell you how much you inspire me. You are a wonderful mother and wife and I look forward to seeing you again!
1. When do you feel happiest?
When I'm wearing a cute outfit, the weather is warm, and I get to hang out with my favorite boys.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
I don't work TOO hard. :D
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
4. What do you do for fun?
Read, take long hot baths, tickle Felix, craft (of course!), THRIFT
5. What intimidates you?
Driving in the city.
6. What is something you're proud of?
So far I'm the most proud of creating Felix.
7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________.
I never want to clean the bathroom in my bedroom. It's absolutely filthy because nobody sees it but me and Chainsaw. It's probably unsanitary. I'll clean it next week. ;)
8. Favorite vacation spot.
The beach. I'm overwhelmed by the hugeness and the glory of the ocean, even though it's pretty scary to me (too many creatures and forces of nature!).
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that I am the master of thinking up songs about bodily functions on the spot. That's why Felix loves me so much.
I love these kinds of survey things :)
I posted mine on my blog http://kendrajkphotography.wordpress.com/2010/04/15/how-about-you/
1. When do you feel happiest? When I'm painting, running, cooking or out in the wilderness enjoying the earth.
2. How do you take care of yourself? I've been taking a lot of baths - some me time and relaxation, which I usually don't get much of. I've been trying to take at least 2 a week.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? I think I'm a bit of both, but the competitive part of me forces me to be driven externally.
4. What do you do for fun? Paint, decorate, SHOP.
5. What intimidates you? Making new friends. I think I'm a great person, but for some reason (maybe it's living in LA) I just can't meet quality friends for the life of me. Bummer.
6. What is something you're proud of? That I am doing what I love (aside from the desk job) and not stopping for anything. Oh, and I am proud of my cooking/baking skills.
7. Finish this sentence. I never have the strength to stop eating, even when I'm completely stuffed.
8. Favorite vacation spot. Europe, by far. Loved Florence (and Southern Italy) and Germany the most, but it was all amazing.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). It's only 12:30, but so far it's a 7. I'm trying to be positive!
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know I have a huge spending problem - I can't say no to something I love, no matter what the price.
1. When do you feel happiest? at home with my dogs and husband, sipping champagne, preparing for friends to come over for a soiree
2. How do you take care of yourself?
once or twice a month--I'll go get a pedicure or go thrifting just to buy something for me :)
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
very internally; I am very introverted at heart, but I'm still motivated by compliments (isn't everyone)
4. What do you do for fun?
travel (when I can afford it); have a party; blog; read; learn something new
5. What intimidates you?
really well put together women--I am very confident in my intelligence, body image, etc, but my style is pretty eclectic at best. When I see a woman who looks effortlessly stylish, I am in awe.
6. What is something you're proud of?
teaching as an adjunct professor at University of South Carolina in the social work department; my relationship with my husband and my family
7. Finish this sentence. I never use the word "hate."
8. Favorite vacation spot.
Boca Grande, FL; San Francisco; Litchfield Beach, SC; anywhere on the mediterranean
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know I really love champagne and pizza.
1. When do you feel happiest? when I'm behind a camera
2. How do you take care of yourself? oh boy...I don't
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? definitely by others
4. What do you do for fun? go listen to bands I like with my husband when they come to charlotte
5. What intimidates you? smart people
6. What is something you're proud of? my 5 kids
7. Finish this sentence. I never go out anywhere without makeup..it would SCARE people_____________.
8. Favorite vacation spot. the mountains
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). 7
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know _____________. that I always lie about my age..only my children and husband really know how old I am...
I blogged mine too ~tania
1. When do you feel happiest?
When i'm with my boyfrien, and have a good time with my friends, when i'm learning how to sew.. and now.. AFTER A SUCCESFUL DEFENDING MY DIPLOMA WORK! YAY! ;d
2. How do you take care of yourself?
em..? i dunno;p
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
sometimes in sometimes ex :):)
4. What do you do for fun?
do photos, talk with friends, go on short trips with my boyfriend, sew, scrapbook.. read all blogs i have on my favourite list.. and lots and lots of other things :)
5. What intimidates you? death of members of my family.. and my boy.. they are the most scary thoughts..
6. What is something you're proud of?
i have a good mark of my diploma work;d and that i at last started to learn sewing on my sewing machine!!
7. Finish this sentence. I never took drugs.
8. Favorite vacation spot. emm.. every spot in mountains, by the seaside.. but in my country :)
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). It would be 10 if i saw my boy! now it's 9;d
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know i'm probably scared of people.
1.When do you feel happiest? When I've exercised, eaten right, the sun is out, and I'm with my family. Luckily, just being with my family makes me pretty happy.
2. How do you take care of yourself? That is what I ask myself everyday.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? Both
4. What do you do for fun? Go walking or hiking on local trails (in the mountains or the valley).
5. What intimidates you? Singing in front of people.
6. What is something you're proud of? my education
7. Finish this sentence. I never should've started drinking caffeine.
8. Favorite vacation spot. Florida (that's where my family is)
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10)8-And here is why: A friend picked me up from work for lunch. We went to a sandwich shop where they had $1 8" sandwiches for customer appreication day and we ate them at a park.Then my mother-in-law won a blogging award.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know things I wish you didn't.
I'm excited to see your answers to these Rachel! I posted mine here: http://blog.modernacorn.com/?p=637 it was a good prompt...I wasn't sure what to blog about today :)
1. When do you feel happiest?
Whenever I create something new
2. How do you take care of yourself?
I quit smoking whoowhoo!
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
4. What do you do for fun?
play with my kiddo
5. What intimidates you?
shop owners!
6. What is something you're proud of?
being my own boss
7. Finish this sentence. I never _________finish other peoples sentences ;)____.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
I can't remember the last time I had a vacation!
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know ________See No7 ;)_____.
Hi Rachel :) I blogged my answers
I did a blog post on your great questions and linked back to you. :) www.woollypetals.blogspot.com
1. I'm happiest when I'm in love... or doing backflips on a trampoline!! :)
2. I take care of myself by not eating more than my stomach can handle and having fun.
3. Both, but other people are more inspiring.
4. I climb rocks, do gymnastic-y tricks, take photos, make jewellery, watch Friends, read blogs.
5. I'm intimidated by my mistakes and other people's opinions of me.
6. I'm proud of the fact that the first time I moved out of home I ninja kicked all my fears in the face and went to another country all by myself.
7. I never want to give up.
8. Favourite vacation spot i've been to is anywhere in the USA, but next on the list is Greece.
9. Today is a 5. Unemployment makes all the days run together, plus I'm going out tonight and have nothing to wear!!!
10. If you really knew me well you'd know that I'm not telling!! :D
Thanks for this post. It's nice to have a look at yourself every once in a while. I know it was good for me! :)
i answered on my blog here...
1. When do you feel happiest?
when i'm with friends. quality time IS my love language (:
2. How do you take care of yourself?
sleep, reliable car, good music, and starbucks. frequent starbucks.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
definitely externally. i see others succeed and it pushes me to have victories in my own life.
4. What do you do for fun?
hang out, movies, thrift shop with my best, starbucks. lots of starbucks (;
5. What intimidates you?
money, really good photographers, starting my own business, not being a beautiful enough person.
6. What is something you're proud of?
i've actually got a website up. eeep!
7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________.
want to end up alone.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
that i've actually been to, disneyland. that i KNOW would be epic, ireland.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
flipping 10. its day one of 11 days off of work! and my bff gets married in 9 days! ahhh happiness.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know
i've really been into reading blogs lately, i don't enjoy working, i really want to be a professional photographer, and i'm ready to meet mr. right
LOVE posts like this (:
its so fun to know more about people
This was a great idea for an intro type post so I did them on my blog! (:
thanks for the inspiration!
1. When do you feel happiest?
When the sun is shining, great music is playing, I'm travelling or hanging with my fave people.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
By trying not to be too hard on myself.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
Internally motivated - when it's something I want to do that is!
4. What do you do for fun?
Go out with friends, crochet, browse book stores.
5. What intimidates you?
Confrontational people.
6. What is something you're proud of?
The way I value my relationships.
7. Finish this sentence.
I never walk past a stationary store without going in to look and shop.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
Hmmm... Maybe Paris.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
I'd say 9. It would be 10 if I'd had more sleep last night :)
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that I'm filling this out because I'm procrastinating. ;)
1. When do you feel happiest? At the beach alone, with all of my family and when there is camera in my hands
2. How do you take care of yourself? haha not good enough, but I give myself lots of love and pep talks :)
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
I think both but mostly externally, for sure by you,Elsie, WEHEARTIT, aura joon and when the weather is a perfect sunny/windy day im inspired by Death Cab or really any types of music.
4. What do you do for fun? Sew, Crochet, play with my cameras
5. What intimidates you? people who are extremely talented.
6. What is something you're proud of? Im proud of myself and all that I have accomplished thus far. Plus my photographs
7. Finish this sentence. I never __Give myself enough credit, or believe in things Im capable of doing
8. Favorite vacation spot. The Beach, oh oh a new fav Yosemite's camping sites
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).7 could be more but just remember a friend passing
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know ___I laugh all the time and sing my heart out
1. When do you feel happiest?
When I am in the arms of my hubby!
2. How do you take care of yourself?
Hmm... mentally and spiritually, I try and release all of my emotions through creative outlets. Mainly by writing music. And, I pray.
Physically - I exercise at least 3 times a week and eat healthy
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? Most of my motivation battles are internal, but there are times when I am really motivated by others as well.
4. What do you do for fun? Create
5. What intimidates you? Overly confident people.
6. What is something you're proud of? Learning 3 languages
7. Finish this sentence. I never thought my life would lead me to where I am today
8. Favorite vacation spot. Santorini, Greece. AMAZING
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). 7
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that I am a neat freak, and obsessive hand washer!
Oh fun! My friday routine needed a little change up!
1. When do you feel happiest?
When I'm snuggled up in my boyfriend's arms. Or with a book and some tea. =]
2. How do you take care of yourself?
Sometimes I bathe and brush my teeth. =P
I run a lot. Well, I need to run more, actually.
I take time to do things that make me happy, like crafts and blogging!
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
4. What do you do for fun?
Make stuff. Travel the world. Sometimes I make stuff travel the world with me. =]
5. What intimidates you?
This economy!
6. What is something you're proud of?
I'm proud that I packed up and moved to Germany for two years... That was scary! I'm proud that while I was there I was able to meet so many interesting people and go to so many amazing places.
7. Finish this sentence. I never want to stop learning!.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
Italy--It used to be where I'd go on the weekends! Oi!
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
7, pretty good!
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know I'm crazy. But I'm safe to be around unless I'm drunk! haha
My answers are here:
What a fun idea! Great questions! I did mine...http://www.thedickinsons.blogspot.com/
1. When do you feel happiest?
When I have a Flow in what im doing, often after an espresso, when the sun is shining and i'm with a good friend or bicycling.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
I walk 3km a day and think of what i put in my body, lots of fruit, vegetables and water (and homemade smooties) And I sleep a lot.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
Almost always by myself, very seldome from other.
4. What do you do for fun?
Bicycle, drink some bubbely wine and go to a concert dancing and singing along.
5. What intimidates you?
When the money on my account runs out(student) and my decisions for the future.
6. What is something you're proud of?
I have 4 months left until i have my Bachelor degree in Graphic Design.
7. Finish this sentence. I never want to stop living my life the fulliest.
8. Favorite vacation spot. At our sommer place in sweden, Mixes with a london weekend.
9. Today is a 9, Im spending the day with a friend and the sun is shining but I have an assignment to turn in at 23.59 making it only a 9.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know im full of surprises.
I played along on my blog! Thanks Rachel; I love your blog. It's so inspiring!
I did it.
or below
1. When do you feel happiest?
I feel happiest when I am settled in myself, there is sunny weather and I have a clear conscious. If there is scone, tea or music- I will probably be very happy, also. However, sometime, I just get giddy looking out the window over the quad.So happiness it really internal and often comes on me unexpectedly.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
I think when I let myself be I am happy. I know that I need a balance of work and play(quiet and social) and when I honor that I feel loved. Also, walking, eating fruit, taking long baths, nice smelling perfume and lotions all help you feel awesome. Talking with a certain Berean everyday make me happy(even when we are both sleepy and tired).
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
I am a mixture of internally and externally. I can't have too much of either. I find that I get most charged from quiet time but sometimes if I have had too much quiet time I need to be social to feel recharged and motivated.
4. What do you do for fun?
Random things and very mundane things. I like to have things clean and that is fun for me. I like the smell of clean things-laundry, dishes, etc. So, I am a freak! I like to talk, eat meals with friends, read, knit, try recipes, write letter and read long letters from friends and go to the library(public) but I will settle for the university's in a pinch.
5. What intimidates you?
Ambiguity and expectations.Usually, they are coupled and I feel out of sorts when I am pressured by undefined expectations.
6. What is something you're proud of?
It is often a feat not to fall off of the sidewalk(ours are sooo bad) and I always proud when I manage not to trip in public but it happens and you either laugh(if it really bad) or keep going.
7.Finish this sentence. I never eat creamed corn.I don't know why you would.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
Umm...my apartment. In a fantasy, I would be in Wyoming. I love it there.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know be nodding knowingly at the end of this survey.
1. When do you feel happiest?
When I have accomplished something (aka finished a project).
2. How do you take care of yourself? Green Tea and Yoga.. and by learning to tell people No.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? internally
4. What do you do for fun?
blog, knit, hang out with my best friend.
5. What intimidates you? the future.... ahhhh.
6. What is something you're proud of? Im finishing up school.
7. Finish this sentence. I never saw this coming.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
San Diego.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
so far an 8
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that I stretch myself too far but love it at the same time.
I posted my answers on my blog here:
Thanks, Rachel, that was fun!
thanks rachel for posting this... my answers made me quite happy: http://katerees711.blogspot.com/2010/04/bit-of-vaca-blogging.html
happy friday!
1. When do you feel happiest? When there is peace and quiet and I can just sit and read or craft.
2. How do you take care of yourself? I don't really..isnt that what an older sister is for? :)
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? I think it's a little bit of both.
4. What do you do for fun? Try and look for new ideas to create and make. I like looking for DIY projects.
5. What intimidates you? The thought of knowing that I might fail.
6. What is something you're proud of? My career. I have worked really hard to get to the place that I am at.
7. Finish this sentence. I never want to look back with regret.
8. Favorite vacation spot. So far it has been Hawaii and I want to go back oh so bad.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). Umm, because I'm so tired I'm going to go with a 6.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that I stress and worry over the dumbest things.
1. When do you feel happiest?
When I'm at home, snuggled on my couch with a good book or magazine and a cup of coffee, dogs at my feet and kids getting along...
2. How do you take care of yourself?
Try to eat well and get some exercise
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
Internally. Definitely.
4. What do you do for fun?
Read, redecorate the house, play with the kids and dogs.
5. What intimidates you?
A room full of strangers.
6. What is something you're proud of?
my online shop, CarolinaCottage and my kids
7. Finish this sentence. I never want to have to give up coffee.
8. Favorite vacation spot. I don't have one, because there are still a lot of places I have yet to visit. I do highly recommend St. Augustine, FL and the Virgin Islands!
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). 'bout an 8.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know I don't like to talk on the phone.
I decided to post this on my blog.
Here's the link:
This was fun!
Mine was too long to post in your comments section. Thanks for the blog post motivator! :)
Here's my answers. Fun questions!
1. When do you feel happiest? When my hands are busy making a project (scrapbooking, quilting, painting, cooking....).
2. How do you take care of yourself? Heh. I'm not so good at this.
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? Externally/Visually
4. What do you do for fun? Make stuff, explore the community, crafting with my kiddos.
5. What intimidates you? cluttery messes.
6. What is something you're proud of? being an author of 3 books.
7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________. I never had sex before i was married.
8. Favorite vacation spot. Ummm, vacation? what's that? anything but the beach. not a fan of the sand.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). 7, would be higher except i've got a headache that feels like it'll be a migraine shortly.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know _____________. If you knew me really well you'd know that i live in chronic pain every day of my life but i don't let it slow me down.
I read this on One Girl's blog and loved it! My answers are on my blog http://rebekahswritings.blogspot.com/2010/04/questions.html. It was challenging to be totally honest with myself.
1. When do you feel happiest? still trying to figure this one out. but i am HAPPY when i'm with my hubs & our boys, out with friends, creating something new or cuddling with my kitty
2. How do you take care of yourself? you ask hard questions! my family always tells me i need to take better care of myself. so now, i get my hair did every 5-6 weeks, and once my foot heals, going back to insanity/p90x. trying to get back into a healthy exercise groove so i can get back to a healthy ME
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? i think it's a little of both... maybe a little more internally
4. What do you do for fun? meditate, garden, read, play with my kids, and make rap music. haha.
5. What intimidates you? my current biggest intimidation is seeing myself in the mirror. or letting other people see me. but i'm trying to work on it.
6. What is something you're proud of? the fact that i am ALIVE. dealt with a lot of dark things and been to a lot of dark places in my life but i'm still here and i'm finally okay.
7. Finish this sentence. I never knew i could be tamed. and never in my wildest dreams did i expect to end up as a crafty work-from-home-mama.
8. Favorite vacation spot. anywhere i can go that doesn't include housecleaning or bills.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). it would be an 8 but with the after-effects of falling/skidding down the stairs makes it a 7.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that i am a little bit psychic. and psychotic. depends on the day. haha
My responses here:
Oh my goodness you have a lot to read! I got half way through. I wish you the best of luck :)
I did it!
me too
1. When do you feel happiest? When my daughter, Aria, and my fiance, C.J. are all just hanging out together.
2. How do you take care of yourself? Napping, reading, keeping in touch with people
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? I wish I could say I'm totally internally motivated but I'm not. It's a mixture of both, honestly. I like creating and sewing but I like being in the company of people while doing so.
4. What do you do for fun? go to movies, take little mini-trips, fondle fabric (even if I don't end up buying it), go to the park, random stuff like that. :)
5. What intimidates you? Depression...I guess you could say it can be debilitating and then of course, that leads to self-loathing because I feel like...."it's all in my head and I should be able to just not feel this way if I don't want to."
6. What is something you're proud of? Being a good parent.
7. Finish this sentence. I never... thought I'd live in Oregon.
8. Favorite vacation spot. I'd have to say Florence, OR is pretty nice. :) Not too long of a drive, it's by the beach, a nice little town, they have a couple casinos (which I've never actually been to yet), and a few nice fabric stores.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). 7
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know... I'm addicted to Tillamook Key Lime yogurt.
1. When do you feel happiest? When I'm having home cooked food and painting & writing. Also when I receive spice blends & snacks from my mom.
2. How do you take care of yourself? Making sure that I don't eat ice cream & syrupy lates (drinks).
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated? Both internally & externally
4. What do you do for fun? I live for fun.
5. What intimidates you? Getting old!!
6. What is something you're proud of? Being a Sri Lankan & married into Irish culture!
7. Finish this sentence. I never want anyone to face or experience war.
8. Favorite vacation spot. Jaffna my hometown in Sri Lanka or any place with warmer climate & vegetarian food.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10). 10, bought three kinds of organic Heirloom tomato plants & attended a painting demonstration.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know I'd be your friend.
I just blogged all my answers over here! http://atlanticatlantis.blogspot.com/2010/04/sharing-little-love.html
I'm really enjoying everyone's answers...interesting to see the similarities as well as the uniqueness.
My answers are on my blog :)
I loved reading everyone's answers. I blogged mine here:
Good one. I dig it.
Hey, I joined the fun over at my blog :)
1. When do you feel happiest?
cuddling with cats underneath the covers
2. How do you take care of yourself?
catching up on my sleep on days off
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
a little bit of both
4. What do you do for fun?
drive & walk around, look at plants, sewing, skateboarding, playing music
5. What intimidates you?
being a responsible adult
6. What is something you're proud of?
being a semi responsible adult
7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________.
i never say never
8. Favorite vacation spot.
wherever the road takes me
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know _____________.
i have never played monopoly
This was fun!! I posted this on my blog with pictures too :) http://curiouspug.blogspot.com
1. When do you feel happiest?
When the future looks bright, when I am with the people that mean the most to me, and I'm doing something I love.
2. How do you take care of yourself?
I am trying to eat healthier (ie: no cookies or processed crap foods), I try to be active by either walking my dog around the neighborhood or doing a quick workout via direcTv :)
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
I am mostly internally motivated, but of course if I see someone else's amazing work I get inspired that way as well.
4. What do you do for fun?
I like to play pool, watch movies (I'm a movie freak - constantly quoting movies even when people have no idea), I'm BIG into reading since I've been unemployed for nearly 10 months now so that keeps be entertained.
I also enjoy patio gardening and going to the dog park with cy.
5. What intimidates you?
A group of girls no matter how old they are. They are always judging and criticizing it give me anxiety.
6. What is something you're proud of?
I'm proud of busting my ass for my education. All I need now is a job!
7. Finish this sentence. I never want to look back on my life with regret.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
Most definitely Hawaii!
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
8.5. I have the entire day to myself, but I still can't help feeling a little down about not having any work. But the sun is shining and the air smells of my new jasmine flowers so I am happy.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know that I am not as confident in myself as I may seem and that I'm my own worst critic.
1. When do you feel happiest?
When it's chilly and rainy outside!
2. How do you take care of yourself?
Long hot bubble baths
3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
4. What do you do for fun?
5. What intimidates you?
Hmmm. I don't know of anything
6. What is something you're proud of?
My badge
7. Finish this sentence. I never learned to dive.
8. Favorite vacation spot.
9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).a solid 7.
10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know I am terrified of scorpions
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