I've got nothing left, ya'll. I'm toast. I've never been more exhausted/at the end of my rope in my life and I am taking this crazy to my parents' house in Oklahoma soon because I can't do it by myself for eight more days. (Hi, Mom!)
I've got July sponsor posts and giveaways in draft mode and hope to have them up ASAP. If you haven't stopped by their shops/blogs, hit them up before August gets here!
Thanks for hanging around here.
p.s. I take my hat off to anyone who does this single mom gig full time.
I love your bangs. You look beautiful, even if you ARE frazzled.
Have sweet dreams, okay?
<3 Violet
Hang in there :) She's a cute crazy to be sure!
Enjoy your time off! :)
Hope all is well. No matter what the situation, mental health days are needed by us all.
She looks like she's gonna beat us up. Hang in there :)
i love her expression. she is so precious. i hope this next week goes well!
I needed a mental health day today :O
PS Big fan of the bangs :)
well for someone who's exhausted your hair looks great!
oh mama, hang in there. i've totally been there, heck i'm more there than not there most days. and sometimes there's no better place to be than the g-pa's house. i couldn't do it without my parents help for sure! :)
LOVE the bangs!
And, have fun at your parents! So nice to have them close enough so you can visit. Hope the next 8 days fly by!
rach, u really do look Gr8! & that pic of little of 1 is classic. adoring & laughing @ ur honesty.
{HUGS} Rachel - I know where you are coming from. I was a single mum when my marriage ended and it's tough, I know. It's SO great that you have your family to turn to for support though. Single mums need it, no matter how long they are single for.
Wishing you strength and some moments of peace and clarity until Brett returns. Just you wait and see...the next week will fly, I am sure, and he'll be back in all of your arms in no time :)
Love to you all - Karen xx
Karen xx
Go to Oklahoma, and breath! Before long with your momma, you'll be sining a tune again in the morning!
love your honesty! very refreshing...and thanks, I'm a single mama and yea it's tough!
Don't forget us military wives who's husbands deploy for 15 months every couple years! :) I feel for ya! your bangs are cute!
Just remember every day is a new day! I got me a crazy one, too! Motherhood/parenthood is a totally different world!
cute bangs! (looks like they are a popular compliment in the comments section)
and also thanks. i'll totally take some credit as a single parent. this shiz is hard.
I know that you don't really know me, but I do live in Springfield and I've available if you need anything... even if it's just dinner delivery or something. My email is Brianna.emails@gmail.com if you need it! Hang in there! You're doing a great job!
Oh gosh! It's too early. I'M available... not I'VE available!
it sure is hard, sending you hugs, love your fringe....we dont call em bangs here, wish we did its very cute, much better than FRINGE!!!!!!!!
I gained so much respect for mothers (in general, not just single mothers) after I had kids of my own. I don't know many mothers who even have help from their husbands/partners. Sad but true. You're lucky.
Despite being exhausted, you look great! I felt like a single mom when my husband was working second shift--and that was just after I got home from work. You held up great! I am amazed at single moms too. And having your mom help is the best.
Hang in there! You are stronger than you know- and smarter than you give yourself credit for! Taking the kids to be with mom - genius!
Hope you can get some rest! Take care.
Hang in there girl - you've got A LOT on your plate. But you still do look gorgeous. :) Thank goodness for grandparents right?!
I couldn't survive without my parents either. Love and hugs to you all xx
and we take our hat off to you!
hope u find the support you need.
you are amazing and doing great things!
deep breathes and blue skies ahead!
gorgeous photo xx
You are one smart momma to know when enough is enough and take the time to ask for help! More momma's need to know that it is ok to do that!!! We are all super momma's but even super heros need a break!!
love the bangs!
you look b-e-a-u-tiful despite the ugly feelings
aww, friend, you need a day to yourself. i hope you can find that at your parents :]
PS. happy Friday!
So sorry that your life has been so stressful as of late. It is so nice that you can go to your parents house and get some relief!
Oh, and I too love your bangs!
This week has been exhausting regardless! Feel better!
oh, i don't even KNOW you (but I read your blog so I feel like I do some days) and i wish i could come and help you out. with your work and with your mama duties. hope it calms down quickly.
Have a terrific break! You're doing a wonderful job. My husband went away for a week for work and I was completely lost. I can't imagine doing it for longer.
I always try to remember this:
A great mom has a messy kitchen, dirty dishes, unswept floors and happy kids!
We all need a break sometimes.
i guess i should be enjoying my free time before we decide to have kids :) you can drop them off at my house anytime... i love kids!
Hey lady. You're a super star. Also, I like your bangs.
Hang in there! You can do it :) Your baby is so cute.
First of all I LOVE that picture of you and Miss Ruby!!! Y'all are so stinkin cute!!
Hang in there momma!! After my husband died I thought there was no way I was going to be able to handle 3 BOYS all on my own, but so far I am still kickin'. There are days I do sneak outside for a good scream though!! You are a great momma - just keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!
At least your hair looks awesome! Good luck!
p.s.- i love you new bangs! you are doing great! i am not sure how i am going to keep my stuff together when i am a mom!
I've been there! So happy for you that you have parents close enough to drive to. Mine were 9 states away. Take care of yourself, as Brett would want you to.
I LOOOOOOOOVE that photo of you Rachel! You look SO gorgeous!
I hope you get a chance to relax at your mom's.
Couldn't believe the amount of encouragement left here today. It really helps me feel less alone in this struggle to be a good mom by myself.
The hardest part is the sleep deprivation. Ruby isn't sleeping well and their naps haven't happened together in a few days for me to get much done. Hence the late nights and early mornings and a lot of impatience in the in between.
And...the bangs are new, yes. I got all gussied up to shoot a video for Home Ec.
Road trip commencing soon. Thanks for all of your encouragement and sweet words.
hang in there!! and i love your bangs!
have a safe trip to oklahoma!
:( My heart goes out to you. I hope you can get some rest and rejuvinate at your Moms!
Take it from a single mom....I could NOT do it with out the help of my parents! Thank God for Grandparents.
Hang in there, girl. At least your bangs look cute;)
i can't even imagine!! that will be nice to get a little breather!
You might be toast, but man does your hair look good in that pic. Enjoy time with your parents, try to get some rest and focus on Brett coming home in almost a week.
I don't know why but this made me tear up, maybe it was that beer I had at lunch....hmmmm.
I know where you're at right now, it's exhausting. I AM a single mom, completely single, and I do it every day - all day. SOmetimes you don't just need a break, YOU MUST take one. Love your pretty blog, it's my "break time" every day, thank you for all the hard work you put into it.
Seriously! I did it for 5 days (twice) with two little ones this summer and it was rooooough. Don't know how you're doing it. Keep praying and drinking coffee I guess. Best of luck.
sorry it's been a tough one, i hope the next week is great for yall tho!
love the bangs, by the way!!! and that's such a cute photo of you 2 gals.
I have been where you are soooo many times. Hubby was deployed to Iraq when our son was 2...yes, I had to do almost all of the TERRIBLE 2'S by MYSELF! It does get better I promise and it helps that you look absolutely fabulous. Sewing and crafting were all that pulled me through the last deployment, focus on your art and get some Bach's Rescue Remedy. That stuff can work some freaking miracles.. Strength to you my sewing sister.
That's SO what grandmas are for! :)
Sarah M
you're in Bust magazine! what what? awesomeness! (just saw it on Elsie's blog, sorry if I'm a little late to the party, lol): http://abeautifulmess.typepad.com/my_weblog/2010/07/my-bff-is-in-bust-magazine.html
cool beans!!!
i love this picture (actually, all of her pictures)! she is too cute. hope you have a great wknd!
Aw, hun! You look so tired! :( Here's to awesome grandma's helping out, yeah? I hope you get some rest!
PS- Love Ruby's 'hey, you-should-pay-attention-to-me-right-now-instead' look, too. Aaaw. :)
Big hugs to you. My husband works long hours and some days I think I won't make it until he comes home. And that's just part of one day. And I just have one baby. You are doing a great job! Enjoy your road trip and the help of your Mom.
I agree. i'm a "single mom" for most of the week. i live for the weekends when I can take a little break. i can't imagine not having my weekends.
have a nice break!
I feel ya sister! xx
Just told my husband last week i could never split up with him cos i could never look after the kids on my own! lol. I get one day off a week when they both go to nursery and man i need it. Love them to bits though. xx
that picture is perfect, it really is speaking a thousand words. Your baby has one of the most beautifully expressive faces, and as frazzled as you are you still look gorgeous (I want your hair).
Aw, hope you get some down time soon!
PS, your bangs are really cute!
From one military momma/wife to another, mental health days are necessary... oh and its okay to let all chores go and simply play with the babies and eat fun food(chicken nuggets popcorn Popsicle ext.) a few days of naughty food totally worth the happy babies and mumma loving!
Good luck!
Linnie Joy
showing up everyday counts for a lot! You do look completely gorgeous despite it all. sending love, strength and hope for a good nights sleep or at least a power nap!
rachel, first.... loving the bangs. You look great!
second... i get ya. Ryan left on wednesday, for a short trip to wisconsin, and I knew ahead of time that I couldn't do it alone... so I'm staying at my in-laws for the whole time. You're totally allowed to feel "toast", it's tough doing it alone!
hang in there, and enjoy the time with your folks. :)
I adore this pic. I give a big hug to you girly.
I'm really proud of you for doing this post. A lot of us feel as if we fail when we need a break. My children are a bit older now 9 and up, but you still get to the end of the rope and a little help never hurt anyone. God Bless!
Hang in there sweetie!! Being a single mom for a little while is hard! I'm a single momma of 2 lil boys and have been for years! Everyday has it's ups and downs! You just have to focus on fun stuff, remember that that everyone has their own stress levels, and their own moments of happiness, sadness, and you all need your own "alone" time... Have a great time at your moms house!! Sending you lots of stress free vibes and peace!!
It's my first time visiting and i really adore you space here. Very inspiring. You and your little one are both soo beautiful! I hope things get better for you soon and have a lovely merry happy weekend. Love to you!
p/s: i am one of your student from home ec. so excited to be part of this wonderful course.
totally feel your pain...can just feel it in your voice.. wish I could help you..hang in there and a trip home would do you good
hi rachel,
i linked up to your blog today. we just had our sons 3rd bday party and i used a few of your ideas.
awesome bangs!!!!
I LOVE your bangs in this photo! Fantastic!
ps. So excited for home ec!
Hey Rachel! I'm not sure where you are visiting in Oklahoma but last time Elsie was here she had trouble finding some good places to go in downtown OKC. So if you head into the city i wanted to tell you a few great places to go. #1 Cuppies and Jo(great cupcake shop in a cute bungalow),#2 Mister Rabbit(right next to Cuppies, great vintage and handmade shop), #3 the plaza district(several great little stores to go into)The people at Cuppies could tell you how to get there; it's just a few minutes away. Hope you can make it to some of our favorite hang outs!
:) Holly
I know you're not having fun, but I LOVE this picture! It's adorable.
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